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R plotly fill color, font, and legend location

elw <- structure(list(year = 1975:1979, x10006 = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L),
   x12018 = c(285.4309, 265.1403, 369.1682, 604.1203, 587.2926
), x19000 = c(26.48335, 36.45504, 37.28563, 126.8903, 182.8447
), x20000 = c(229.9651, 369.8476, 496.058, 504.2717, 445.3687
), x99999 = c(1707.498, 2223.986, 2599.086, 2661.213, 3207.065
)), .Names = c("year", "x10006", "x12018", "x19000", "x20000", 
"x99999"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame") 

elw_stack <- structure(list(year = 1975:1979, x10006 = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), 
    x12018 = c(285L, 265L, 369L, 604L, 587L), 
    x19000 = c(312L, 302L, 406L, 731L, 770L), 
    x20000 = c(542L, 671L, 903L, 1235L, 1216L), 
    x99999 = c(2249L, 2895L, 3502L, 3896L, 4423L)), 
    .Names = c("year", "x10006", "x12018", "x19000", "x20000", "x99999"), 
    row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")

With the data aboce, I have generated a plotly chart in R using the following code:


plot_ly(data = elw_stack, x = ~year, y = ~x10006, fill="tonexty", mode="lines",
        text = round(elw$x10006, 0), hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="x10006") %>%
  add_trace(y=~x12018, mode="lines", type = "scatter", text = round(elw$x12018,0),
            hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="x12018") %>%
  add_trace(y=~x19000, mode="lines", text=round(elw$x19000,0), 
            hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="x19000") %>%
  add_trace(y=~x20000, mode="lines", text=round(elw$x20000,0), 
            hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="x20000") %>%
  add_trace(y=~x99999, mode="lines", text=round(elw$x99999,0), 
            hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="x99999") %>%
  layout(yaxis=list(title="Y axis label"))

I am still struggling to do three things, though:

  1. Change the fill color to specific RGB-code colors of my choosing. (I attempted the plotly command fillcolor but am not sure if I'm implementing it correctly.)
  2. Change the font style of all the text (specifically to Gotham Narrow).
  3. Lower the legend so that it's not positioned at the top of the chart.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Here is an example that does what you want. I just used the font "Times":

clrs <- c('#66c2a5','#fc8d62','#8da0cb','#e78ac3')

plot_ly(data = elw_stack, x = ~year, y = ~x10006, fill="tonexty", mode="lines",
        text = round(elw$x10006, 0), hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="x10006", type = "scatter") %>%
  add_trace(y=~x12018, text = round(elw$x12018, 0), name="x12018", fillcolor = clrs[1]) %>%
  add_trace(y=~x19000, text = round(elw$x19000, 0), name="x19000", fillcolor = clrs[2]) %>%
  add_trace(y=~x20000, text = round(elw$x20000, 0), name="x20000", fillcolor = clrs[3]) %>%
  add_trace(y=~x99999, text = round(elw$x99999, 0), name="x99999", fillcolor = clrs[4]) %>%
  layout(yaxis = list(title="Y axis label"),
         legend = list(x = 1, y = 0),
         font = list(family = "Times"))


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