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AngularJS $watch within directive not triggering

I have a watch looking at my sliders model and when I want to set one of the properties to visible or enabled it doesn't seem to want to fire the watch changed event. If I click the button it should hide or disable the handle and it does not. If I drag another handle the updateDOM is called and the handle is then hidden or disabled. Not sure what I am doing incorrectly here.

    scope.$watch('sliders', function(oldValue, newValue) {
      console.log('sliders Update: ', oldValue, ' : ', newValue);

Here is a working plunk: http://plnkr.co/edit/I3A9H8qTs0z4CVaYnyJZ?p=preview

 'use strict'; angular.module('angularMultiSlider', []) .directive('multiSliderKey', function($compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, scope: { displayFilter: '@', sliders : '=ngModel' }, link: function(scope, element) { var sliderStr = ''; if (scope.displayFilter === undefined) scope.displayFilter = ''; var filterExpression = scope.displayFilter === '' ? '' : ' | ' + scope.displayFilter; angular.forEach(scope.sliders, function(slider, key){ var colorKey = slider.color ? '<span style="background-color:' + slider.color + ';"></span> ' : ''; sliderStr += '<div class="key">' + colorKey + '{{ sliders[' + key.toString() + '].title }} <strong>{{ sliders[' + key.toString() + '].value ' + filterExpression + '}}</strong></div>'; }); var sliderControls = angular.element('<div class="angular-multi-slider-key">' + sliderStr + '</div>'); element.append(sliderControls); $compile(sliderControls)(scope); } } }) .directive('multiSlider', function($compile, $filter) { var events = { mouse: { start: 'mousedown', move: 'mousemove', end: 'mouseup' }, touch: { start: 'touchstart', move: 'touchmove', end: 'touchend' } }; function roundStep(value, precision, step, floor) { var remainder = (value - floor) % step; var steppedValue = remainder > (step / 2) ? value + step - remainder : value - remainder; var decimals = Math.pow(10, precision); var roundedValue = steppedValue * decimals / decimals; return parseFloat(roundedValue.toFixed(precision)); } function offset(element, position) { return element.css({ left: position }); } function pixelize(position) { return parseInt(position) + 'px'; } function contain(value) { if (isNaN(value)) return value; return Math.min(Math.max(0, value), 100); } function overlaps(b1, b2, offsetTop) { function comparePositions(p1, p2) { var r1 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p1 : p2; var r2 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p2 : p1; return r1[1] > r2[0] || r1[0] === r2[0]; } var posB1 = [[ b1.offsetLeft, b1.offsetLeft + b1.offsetWidth ], [ offsetTop, offsetTop - b1.scrollTop + b1.offsetHeight ]], posB2 = [[ b2.offsetLeft, b2.offsetLeft + b2.offsetWidth ], [ b2.offsetTop, b2.offsetTop - b2.scrollTop + b2.offsetHeight ]]; return comparePositions( posB1[0], posB2[0] ) && comparePositions( posB1[1], posB2[1] ); } return { restrict: 'EA', require: '?ngModel', scope: { floor: '@', ceiling: '@', step: '@', precision: '@', bubbles: '@', displayFilter: '@', sliders: '=ngModel' }, template : '<div class="bar"></div>', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { if (!ngModel) return; // do nothing if no ng-model //base copy to see if sliders returned to original var original; ngModel.$render = function() { original = angular.copy(scope.sliders); }; element.addClass('angular-multi-slider'); // DOM Components if (scope.displayFilter === undefined) scope.displayFilter = ''; var filterExpression = scope.displayFilter === '' ? '' : ' | ' + scope.displayFilter; var sliderStr = '<div class="limit floor">{{ floor ' + filterExpression + ' }}</div>' + '<div class="limit ceiling">{{ ceiling ' + filterExpression + '}}</div>'; angular.forEach(scope.sliders, function(slider, key){ sliderStr += '<div class="handle"></div><div class="bubble">{{ sliders[' + key.toString() + '].title }}{{ sliders[' + key.toString() + '].value ' + filterExpression + ' }}</div>'; }); var sliderControls = angular.element(sliderStr); element.append(sliderControls); $compile(sliderControls)(scope); var children = element.children(); var bar = angular.element(children[0]), ngDocument = angular.element(document), floorBubble = angular.element(children[1]), ceilBubble = angular.element(children[2]), bubbles = [], handles = []; angular.forEach(scope.sliders, function(slider, key) { handles.push(angular.element(children[(key * 2) + 3])); bubbles.push(angular.element(children[(key * 2) + 4])); }); // Control Dimensions Used for Calculations var handleHalfWidth = 0, barWidth = 0, minOffset = 0, maxOffset = 0, minValue = 0, maxValue = 0, valueRange = 0, offsetRange = 0, bubbleTop = undefined, bubbleHeight = undefined, handleTop = undefined, handleHeight = undefined; if (scope.step === undefined) scope.step = 10; if (scope.floor === undefined) scope.floor = 0; if (scope.ceiling === undefined) scope.ceiling = 500; if (scope.precision === undefined) scope.precision = 2; if (scope.bubbles === undefined) scope.bubbles = false; var bindingsSet = false; var updateCalculations = function() { scope.floor = roundStep(parseFloat(scope.floor), parseInt(scope.precision), parseFloat(scope.step), parseFloat(scope.floor)); scope.ceiling = roundStep(parseFloat(scope.ceiling), parseInt(scope.precision), parseFloat(scope.step), parseFloat(scope.floor)); angular.forEach(scope.sliders, function(slider) { slider.value = roundStep(parseFloat(slider.value), parseInt(scope.precision), parseFloat(scope.step), parseFloat(scope.floor)); }); handleHalfWidth = handles[0][0].offsetWidth / 2; barWidth = bar[0].offsetWidth; minOffset = 0; maxOffset = barWidth - handles[0][0].offsetWidth; minValue = parseFloat(scope.floor); maxValue = parseFloat(scope.ceiling); valueRange = maxValue - minValue; offsetRange = maxOffset - minOffset; }; var updateDOM = function () { updateCalculations(); var percentOffset = function (offset) { return contain(((offset - minOffset) / offsetRange) * 100); }; var percentValue = function (value) { return contain(((value - minValue) / valueRange) * 100); }; var pixelsToOffset = function (percent) { return pixelize(percent * offsetRange / 100); }; var setHandles = function () { offset(ceilBubble, pixelize(barWidth - ceilBubble[0].offsetWidth)); angular.forEach(scope.sliders, function(slider,key){ if (slider.color) { handles[key].css({'background-color': slider.color}); } if (slider.value >= minValue && slider.value <= maxValue) { offset(handles[key], pixelsToOffset(percentValue(slider.value))); offset(bubbles[key], pixelize(handles[key][0].offsetLeft - (bubbles[key][0].offsetWidth / 2) + handleHalfWidth)); handles[key].css({'display': 'block'}); if ('' + scope.bubbles === 'true') { bubbles[key].css({'display': 'block'}); } } else { handles[key].css({'display': 'none'}); bubbles[key].css({'display': 'none'}); } if (slider.hasOwnProperty("visible") && slider.visible === false) { handles[key].css({'display': 'none'}); bubbles[key].css({'display': 'none'}); } if (slider.hasOwnProperty("enabled") && slider.enabled === false) { handles[key].addClass('disabled'); bubbles[key].addClass('disabled'); } else { handles[key].removeClass('disabled'); bubbles[key].removeClass('disabled'); } }); }; var resetBubbles = function() { if (scope.sliders.length > 1) { //timeout must be longer than css animation for proper bubble collision detection for (var i = 0; i < scope.sliders.length; i++) { (function (index) { setTimeout(function () { overlapCheck(index); }, i * 150); })(i); } } }; var overlapCheck = function(currentRef) { var safeAtLevel = function(cRef, level) { for (var x = 0; x < scope.sliders.length; x++) { if (x != cRef && overlaps(bubbles[cRef][0], bubbles[x][0], (bubbleTop * level))) { return safeAtLevel(cRef, level + 1); } } return level; }; if (scope.sliders.length > 1) { var safeLevel = safeAtLevel(currentRef, 1) - 1; handles[currentRef].css({top: pixelize((-1 * (safeLevel * bubbleHeight)) + handleTop), height: pixelize(handleHeight + (bubbleHeight * safeLevel)), 'z-index': 99-safeLevel}); bubbles[currentRef].css({top: pixelize(bubbleTop - (bubbleHeight * safeLevel))}); } }; var bind = function (handle, bubble, currentRef, events) { var onEnd = function () { handle.removeClass('grab'); bubble.removeClass('grab'); if (!(''+scope.bubbles === 'true')) { bubble.removeClass('active'); } ngDocument.unbind(events.move); ngDocument.unbind(events.end); if (angular.equals(scope.sliders, original)) { ngModel.$setPristine(); } //Move possible elevated bubbles back down if one below it moved. resetBubbles(); scope.$apply(); }; var onMove = function (event) { // Suss out which event type we are capturing and get the x value var eventX = 0; if (event.clientX !== undefined) { eventX = event.clientX; } else if ( event.touches !== undefined && event.touches.length) { eventX = event.touches[0].clientX; } else if ( event.originalEvent !== undefined && event.originalEvent.changedTouches !== undefined && event.originalEvent.changedTouches.length) { eventX = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX; } var newOffset = Math.max(Math.min((eventX - element[0].getBoundingClientRect().left - handleHalfWidth), maxOffset), minOffset), newPercent = percentOffset(newOffset), newValue = minValue + (valueRange * newPercent / 100.0); newValue = roundStep(newValue, parseInt(scope.precision), parseFloat(scope.step), parseFloat(scope.floor)); scope.sliders[currentRef].value = newValue; setHandles(); overlapCheck(currentRef); ngModel.$setDirty(); scope.$apply(); }; var onStart = function (event) { if (scope.sliders[currentRef].hasOwnProperty("enabled") && scope.sliders[currentRef].enabled === false) { bubble.addClass('disabled'); handle.addClass('disabled'); return; } updateCalculations(); bubble.addClass('active grab'); handle.addClass('active grab'); setHandles(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); ngDocument.bind(events.move, onMove); return ngDocument.bind(events.end, onEnd); }; handle.bind(events.start, onStart); }; var setBindings = function () { var method, i; var inputTypes = ['touch', 'mouse']; for (i = 0; i < inputTypes.length; i++) { method = inputTypes[i]; angular.forEach(scope.sliders, function(slider, key){ bind(handles[key], bubbles[key], key, events[method]); if (scope.sliders[key].hasOwnProperty("enabled") && scope.sliders[key].enabled === false) { handles[key].addClass('disabled'); bubbles[key].addClass('disabled'); } }); } bindingsSet = true; }; if (!bindingsSet) { setBindings(); // Timeout needed because bubbles offsetWidth is incorrect during initial rendering of html elements setTimeout( function() { if ('' + scope.bubbles === 'true') { angular.forEach(bubbles, function (bubble) { bubble.addClass('active'); }); } updateCalculations(); setHandles(); //Get Default sizes of bubbles and handles, assuming each are equal, calculated from css handleTop = handleTop === undefined ? handles[0][0].offsetTop : handleTop; handleHeight = handleHeight === undefined ? handles[0][0].offsetHeight : handleHeight; bubbleTop = bubbleTop === undefined ? bubbles[0][0].offsetTop : bubbleTop; bubbleHeight = bubbleHeight === undefined ? bubbles[0][0].offsetHeight + 7 : bubbleHeight ; //add 7px bottom margin to the bubble offset for handle resetBubbles(); }, 10); } }; // Watch Models based on mode scope.$watch('sliders', function(oldValue, newValue) { console.log('sliders Update: ', oldValue, ' : ', newValue); updateDOM(); }); scope.$watch('ceiling', function() { bindingsSet = false; updateDOM(); }); scope.$watch('floor', function() { bindingsSet = false; updateDOM(); }); // Update on Window resize window.addEventListener('resize', updateDOM); } } }); 

I found the solution here: How to deep watch an array in angularjs? Deep watch /property watch.

$scope.$watch('columns', function() {
  // some value in the array has changed 
}, true); // watching properties

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