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Materialize material_select() not working before refresh in Meteor app

I'm using following select in a template in my Meteor project

    <div class="input-field">
        <select name="color" id="color">
            <option value="%23B1365F">Pink</option>
            <option value="%232952A3">Blue</option>
            <option value="%23711616">Red</option>
            <option value="%2328754E">Green</option>
            <option value="%23BE6D00">Orange</option>
            <option value="%23113F47">Sea Blue</option>
            <option value="%235229A3">Purple</option>
            <option value="%23528800">Olive</option>
            <option value="%2388880E">Gold</option>
            <option value="%23333333">Black</option>
        <label for="color">Colour: </label>

With the following in my js-file to initialize the Materialize select dropdown

    if (Meteor.isClient) {
      Template.layout_settings.onRendered(function () {

However, the select dialog only works/shows after a refresh, before a refresh I get following error in console:

    TypeError: $(...).material_select is not a function
      at null.<anonymous> (settings.js:48)
      at template.js:116
      at Function.Template._withTemplateInstanceFunc (template.js:457)
      at fireCallbacks (template.js:112)
      at null.<anonymous> (template.js:205)
      at view.js:107
      at Object.Blaze._withCurrentView (view.js:538)
      at view.js:106
      at Object.Tracker._runFlush (tracker.js:497)
      at onGlobalMessage (setimmediate.js:102)

After a refresh it works perfectly fine, does anyone has any idea why this happens? Couldn't find anything on google.

Before refresh

After refresh

Thanks in advance!

This isn't the prettiest of workarounds, but it fixed the problem.

Materialze doesn't seem to add its jQuery functions in time to use them in the onRendered function of a Blaze template.

It does however add the function to the Package.jquery.$.fn.material_select object.

I just created my own jQuery function which referenced the function body of that object:

        $.fn.material_select_fix = Package.jquery.$.fn.material_select;

I hope this works for other cases too...

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