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How to detect a click outside an element and send the event by ember?

My problem look like: How do I detect a click outside an element?

But I want to use ember.js do this. My template code:

<td colspan="2" {{action "changeName" on="doubleClick"}}>
  {{#if isEditName}}
    {{input type="text" value=editName class="form-control"}}

I want to do when I double click the div , show input and I can change name in input . I think when I change name and click the body will save the name. I think is better. But I don't know how to set the event in body, when I click the body will hide input and save product.name.


Add a picture to show the behavior process:


Not sure what you exactly meant but im guessing you're looking for something like this

  {{#if isEditName}}
    <span {{action "showOrHide" on="doubleClick"}}> {{input type="text" value=product.name class="form-control"}}</span>
     <span {{action 'showOrHide' on="doubleClick"}}> {{product.name}} </span>

isEditName: false,

actions : {
 showOrHide: function() { 

     if(!this.get('isEditName') { // changed from input to detail view


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