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Dependency property in user control doesn't have any effect

In my user control (class LabeledBox ), I've added dependency property as follows.

public static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalProperty 
  = DependencyProperty.Register(
    typeof (Orientation), 
    typeof (LabeledBox), 
    new PropertyMetadata(default(Orientation)));

public Orientation Horizontal
  get { return (Orientation) GetValue(HorizontalProperty); }
  set { SetValue(HorizontalProperty, value); }

However, when setting it according to the below, doesn't give me any difference in behavior. In fact, the setter in the property doesn't get called. What do I miss?

<local:LabeledBox x:Name="Info field" 
                  Horizontal="Horizontal" />

The component in question has a stack panel as outermost control and it's bound like this.

<StackPanel Name="TheContainer" Orientation="{Binding Horizontal}">

Perhaps I've done the binding incorrectly?

Give a name to your UserControl :

<UserControl .... x:Name="labeledBox">

And use the binding like this:

<StackPanel Name="TheContainer" Orientation="{Binding Horizontal, ElementName=labeledBox}">

Yes your Binding is not well try to update it to be seems like:

<StackPanel Name="TheContainer" 
              Binding Horizontal,
              RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=local:LabeledBox}}"/>

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