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pandas pivot table arrangement

I would like to create a pivot table and use to multiple aggfuncs ; specifically np.mean and np.std . The normal behavior of pandas.pivot_tables would be to place the aggfuncs on top hierarchically. If you only had one column in value this wouldn't matter, but I have 7. This makes reading the table a little bit tedious. I would like to be able to place the values on top of the hierarchy so that within each value there is a mean and std column. Is there a way that this can be done or am I sol?

Thanks for any help!

Here is a small excerpt of the data. 这是数据的一小部分摘录。

Col1   Col2    Col3    Col4     Col5     Col6   Col7    Col8   Col9    
A       A        0      4247     5684     2068   393    237    16286
A       A        0        0      2366     4159   3155   696    341     
A       B        18198    0        1114   1871   5392   1954   755  
A       B        17829    0      2695     2366   3768   1289   445
A       C        18352    0      3545     7508   5099   2071   1239 

I want the output to look like this:

                  Col 3        Col 4        Col 5        Col 6        Col 7  ...
Col 1  Col 2   Mean   Std   Mean    Std   Mean   Std   Mean   Std   Mean   Std  ...
A      A       0      0     2123.5 2173.5 ...
       B       ...
       C       ...

I'm not going to run through all the calcs right now but I think that gets the point across as this is a formatting question.

I had to change your row headings from "Col 1" >> "Col1"

import pandas as pd



Col1   Col2    Col3    Col4     Col5     Col6   Col7    Col8   Col9    
A       A        0      4247     5684     2068   393    237    16286
A       A        0        0      2366     4159   3155   696    341     
A       B        18198    0        1114   1871   5392   1954   755  
A       B        17829    0      2695     2366   3768   1289   445
A       C        18352    0      3545     7508   5099   2071   1239 

  In [9]: import numpy as np

In [10]: np.round(df.groupby(['Col1', 'Col2']).agg(['mean', 'std']),4)
              Col3              Col4               Col5               Col6  \
              mean       std    mean        std    mean        std    mean
Col1 Col2
A    A         0.0    0.0000  2123.5  3003.0825  4025.0  2346.1803  3113.5
     B     18013.5  260.9224     0.0     0.0000  1904.5  1117.9358  2118.5
     C     18352.0       NaN     0.0        NaN  3545.0        NaN  7508.0

                      Col7               Col8             Col9
                 std  mean        std    mean      std    mean         std
Col1 Col2
A    A     1478.5603  1774  1953.0289   466.5  324.562  8313.5  11274.8176
     B      350.0179  4580  1148.3414  1621.5  470.226   600.0    219.2031
     C           NaN  5099        NaN  2071.0      NaN  1239.0         NaN

I think this can be solved using a combo of .describe() (which has both mean and std stats) and .pivot. Say you have a DF that looks like this:


        City          Country                   lon
0       Dubai         United Arab Emirates   55.307484
254     Buenos Aires  Argentina             -58.381592
1002    Rosario       Argentina             -60.666500
1162    Punta Arenas  Chile                 -70.916473
1178    San Miguel    Argentina             -65.217590

and you want to get the statistics on the 'lon' column for each country. Use .describe to get the statistics:

stats = df.groupby('Country').describe()
#reset index so that you can specify the columns later
stats.reset_index(level = [0,1], inplace = True)
    Country level_1 lon
0   Albania count   1.0000
1   Albania mean    19.8318
2   Albania std     NaN
3   Albania min     19.8318
4   Albania 25%     19.8318

Then do a pivot table based on your stats table. Since the result will be multi-indexed, you need to specify tuple columns to access the mean and std columns:

stats.pivot('Country', 'level_1')[[('lon', 'mean'), ('lon', 'std')]]

the result will be something like:

level_1 mean    std
Albania 19.831800   NaN
Algeria 2.744837    3.323134
Angola  13.234444   NaN
Argentina   -63.806806  4.101027

Let me know if this helps--good luck.

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