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Create a Share button on Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and 10 (Mobile)

How can I create a Share button (that share a defined mesage to another player contact) as the below image on Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and 10 (Mobile) :


To create this script to share on Android Device I use the following code:

public class ShareScript : MonoBehaviour {

    string subject = "Subject";
    string body = "Body";

    public void OnAndroidTextSharingClick()
    IEnumerator ShareAndroidText()
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
        //execute the below lines if being run on a Android device
        #if UNITY_ANDROID
            //Reference of AndroidJavaClass class for intent
            AndroidJavaClass intentClass = new AndroidJavaClass ("android.content.Intent");
            //Reference of AndroidJavaObject class for intent
            AndroidJavaObject intentObject = new AndroidJavaObject ("android.content.Intent");
            //call setAction method of the Intent object created
            intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setAction", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("ACTION_SEND"));
            //set the type of sharing that is happening
            intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setType", "text/plain");
            //add data to be passed to the other activity i.e., the data to be sent
            intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("putExtra", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("EXTRA_SUBJECT"), subject);
            //intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("putExtra", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("EXTRA_TITLE"), "Text Sharing ");
            intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("putExtra", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("EXTRA_TEXT"), body);
            //get the current activity
            AndroidJavaClass unity = new AndroidJavaClass ("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
            AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = unity.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
            //start the activity by sending the intent data
            AndroidJavaObject jChooser = intentClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("createChooser", intentObject, "Share Via");
            currentActivity.Call("startActivity", jChooser);

Call DataTransferManager . ShowShareUI to show the sharing pane.

Handle the DataTransferManager. DataRequested event to provide the data when the user choses to share.

private void DataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs e)
    DataRequest request = e.Request;
    request.Data.Properties.Title = "Share Text Example";
    request.Data.Properties.Description = "An example of how to share text.";
    request.Data.SetText("Hello World!");

See the Share data docs on MSDN for more info.

In Unity you can call these in an #if NETFX_CORE block so it runs only when using the Windows Runtime and not Mono. See Windows Store Apps: WinRT API in C# scripts . If you target Windows 10 then there are plug-ins at https://github.com/microsoft/unityplugins which include sharing. For earlier targets there are commercial plugins.

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