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How to configure Auth LDAP plugin for Dokuwiki

Every time I'm trying to login into dokuwiki with my LDAP credentials I'm getting the error below: 在此输入图像描述

However once when I tried to log in with Internet Explorer rather than with Chrome I logged in successfully, but that never happened again.

Would someone please help me with configuring dokuwiki to authenticate users with LDAP credentials using AuthLDAP plugin.

Please see the content of conf/local.php file:

$conf['title'] = 'SomeNameOfDokuWiki';
$conf['license'] = '0';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['authtype'] = 'authldap';
$conf['passcrypt'] = 'md5';
$conf['superuser'] = 'xander';
$conf['disableactions'] = 'register';
$conf['proxy']['user'] = 'SomeUserName';
$conf['proxy']['pass'] = 'SomeEncryptedPassword';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['server'] = 'ldap://some.local.ip.address.129:389';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['usertree'] = 'ou=Users,dc=example,dc=max,dc=net';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['grouptree'] = 'ou=Groups,dc=xander,dc=max,dc=net';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userfilter'] = '(&(cn=%{user})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['groupfilter'] = '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(|(gidNumber=%{gid})(memberUID=%{user})))';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['version'] = 3;
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['bindpw'] = 'SomeBindPassword';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userkey'] = 'cn';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['debug'] = 1;
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['modPass'] = 0;

I'm sure that following queries are correct (I checked them through phpldapadmin):




$conf['plugin']['authldap']['binddn'] = 'CN=ad user with enough rights to see other accounts,CN=Users,DC=yourdomain,DC=com';

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