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i am getting error while inseting data into my database table from html page

This is my php code , I am warning at the line of inserting the data please provide the answer

                if($_POST['submitted'] == 1){

                    $q = "INSERT INTO user(fullname,email,password,conform-password,mobileno) VALUES ('$_POST[form-full-name]','$_POST[form-email]','$_POST[form-password]','$_POST[form-conform-password]','$_POST[form-mobile-no]')";

                    $r= mysqli_query($dbc,$q); 


                        echo '<p>you are REGISTERED SUCCESSFULLY !</p>';

                        echo '<p>your REGISTRATION FAILED !</p>'.mysqli_error($dbc);
                        echo '<p>'.$q.'</p>';



//"plz give me the solution for my problem"


In case if you don't want to assign variables so that no memory allocation occurs then you can try using this:


            if($_POST['submitted'] == 1){

                  $q = "INSERT INTO user(`fullname`,`email`,`password`,`conform-password`,`mobileno`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";

                  $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($q);

                    if ( false===$stmt ) {

                    die('prepare() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($mysqli->error));

                  $rc = $stmt->bind_param("sssss",  $_POST['form-full-name'], $_POST['form-email'], $_POST['form-password'], $_POST['form-conform-password'],$_POST['form-mobile-no']);

                  if ( false===$rc ) {

                      die('bind_param() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($stmt->error));

                  $rc = $stmt->execute();
                    if ( false===$rc ) {
                      die('execute() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($stmt->error));



According to this example you have to use mobile number datatype as string in table field.

Do not need to save confirm password in table and you should use prepare statement for insertion. It will make your query secure for insertion in this case

try this

 if($_POST['submitted'] == 1)

  $full_name =$_POST['form-full-name'];
  $password = $_POST['form-password'];
  $mobile =$_POST['form-mobile-no'];

  $q = "INSERT INTO user(fullname,email,password,conform-password,mobileno) VALUES ('$full_name','$form_email','$password','$conform_pass','$mobile')";

  $r= mysqli_query($dbc,$q); 


   echo '<p>you are REGISTERED SUCCESSFULLY !</p>';

    echo '<p>your REGISTRATION FAILED !</p>'.mysqli_error($dbc);
    echo '<p>'.$q.'</p>';


you missing the single quote $_POST[''] method

Just try saving your posted form data to php variable and then use that in   your insert query.

For ex: 

$fullname = $_POST['form-full-name'];
$email = $_POST['form-email'];
$password = $_POST['form-password'];
$confirmpassword = $_POST['form-conform-password'];
$mobilenumber = $_POST['form-mobile-no'];

And then the query as 

$q = "INSERT INTO user(fullname,email,password,conform-password,mobileno) VALUES ('$fullname','$email ','$password ','$confirmpassword ','$mobilenumber ')";

Hope this help.


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