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Updating state in react-native taking forever

I added the ability to 'like' a post. And suddenly react-native is crawling at a snails pace. Im new to react so aren't really sure where and when to properly set state.

How should I properly attach the ability to like a row, in a listView table??

Heres the code...

The 'like' text to click on is this....

 <Text onPress={this.likePost.bind(this, feeditem.post_id)}>{feeditem.likes} likes</Text>

Then the 'liking' function is this...

    var d = this.state.feedData;
    // Find row by post_id
    var ix = d.findIndex(x => x.post_id===id);
    // Only set state if user hasn't already liked

      // Mark as liked, and increment
      d[ix].likes = parseInt(d[ix].likes)++;

      // Set the state after liking
        feedData: d,
        feedList: this.state.feedList.cloneWithRows(d)

It works, and it properly updates the data, and shows in the dev tools just fine. However, the rendering of the new state visually is taking over a minute.

Am I updating the state wrong? What is the cost for setState? I thought react was supposed to just re-render the changes it sees in the virtual DOM. Why then does it seem like its rerendering my entire listView. And why over 1 minute load time?? (obvious memory leak somewhere)??

Also, is it possible to just increment the integer on the 'DOM' without triggering re-renders?

Render your ListView passing dataSource and renderRow props

render() {
  return (

Create renderRow function, where your can access your data and index of clicked row

_renderRow = (rowData, sectionIndex, rowIndex, highlightRow) => {
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
        //Here you shoud update state

Furthermore, you always need to make copy of a state before manipulating it, because its immutable object. Try working with state mutating libraries, use https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/update.html or other options.

Animations can take a long time because of the chrome debugger. A small way to mitigate this is using InteractionManager

  InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
      var d = this.state.feedData;
      // Find row by post_id
      var ix = d.findIndex(x => x.post_id===id);
      // Only set state if user hasn't already liked

        // Mark as liked, and increment
        d[ix].likes = parseInt(d[ix].likes)++;

        // Set the state after liking
          feedData: d,
          feedList: this.state.feedList.cloneWithRows(d)


Or disable chrome debugging and use android monitor to see debugging messages.

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