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Windows Phone 8.1 - ListView binding issue mvvm light

I have a strange issue with my binding...

Currently I'm just trying to binding a list of objects in a list view


ExtendedListView is just an extension of the basic listview.

<refresh:ExtendedListView PullToRefreshRequested="listView_InfoRefresh" IsPullToRefreshEnabled="True" ItemsSource="{Binding MyList, Mode=OneWay}" >
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
                            <TextBlock FontSize="16">
                                <Run x:Uid="TheChallenge" />
                                <Run Text="{Binding Title}"/>
                                <Run x:Uid="ExpireChallenge" />


private List<Challenge> myList;

        public List<Challenge> MyList
            get { return myList; }
                if (myList!= value)
                    myList= value;
                    RaisePropertyChanged(() => MyList);

The list is retrieve from a Wep Api application. When I put a breakpoint, the list is not empty ( currently I have 3 elements in my list ), and after the binding of MyList , I am able to see the items 2 sec before they dissapear....

If someone have an idea.

Using a List and setting it every time data changes is not a good idea. Just use an ObservableCollection, set it juts once in ctor and then only add and remove items.

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