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Adding subtitles with fluent-ffmpeg

I'm trying to burn in subtitles into a video. This command works perfectly from command line: ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf subtitles=sub.srt:force_style='Fontsize=20' out.mp4

My code on server side doesn't seem to do much (it creates test.mp4 though)

                '-vf subtitles=temp/subtitleVideos/qTWVbM5pkKms_pJbE8OAvH3N.srt'
            .on('error', function(err) {
                console.log('Error: ' + err.message);
            .save(path + 'test.mp4');

and I get the following error: Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: Error opening filters!

Ok, I've found our problem. It was incorrect format of .srt file. To compare, this is our incorrect file (=timing is important):

00:00:00 --> 00:00:03
kitty cat

00:00:03,372 --> 00:00:05,674
is sitting

00:00:05,795 --> 00:00:08,905
on a pad

and this one is correct:

00:00:00,828 --> 00:00:03,130
kitty cat

00:00:03,372 --> 00:00:05,674
is sitting

00:00:05,795 --> 00:00:08,905
on a pad

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