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How to set format a string in gsp grails?

I'm trying to format a string in a gsp in grails, but in not getting the result that I want. I just look at this answer here ( How to show String new lines on gsp grails file? ) but is not working...

This is the string that I'm getting and how show in the view:

{ "name":"john", "surname": "Blat", "age": 11, "width": 30, "width": 600, "height": 150}

This is that I want to get it:

  { "name":"john", 
    "surname": "Blat", 
    "age": 11, 
    "width": 30, 
    "width": 600, 
    "height": 150}

This is my code of gsp:

<g:if test="${myInstance?.person}">
                <li class="fieldcontain">
                    <span id="person-label" class="property-label"><g:message code="myInstance.person.label" default="person" /></span>
                        <span class="property-value" aria-labelledby="person-label"><g:fieldValue bean="${myInstance}" field="person"/></span>

This is one way that I'm trying but dont do nothing (.replace('\\n','

<g:if test="${myInstance?.person.replace('\n','<br>')}">
                    <li class="fieldcontain">
                        <span id="person-label" class="property-label"><g:message code="myInstance.person.label" default="person" /></span>
                            <span class="property-value" aria-labelledby="person-label"><g:fieldValue bean="${myInstance}" field="person"/></span>

This is another way, with pre tab:

<g:if test="${myInstance?.person}">
                    <li class="fieldcontain">
                        <span id="person-label" class="property-label"><g:message code="myInstance.person.label" default="person" /></span>
<span class="property-value" aria-labelledby="person-label"><g:fieldValue bean="${myInstance}" field="person"/>

If the encodeAsHtml isn't working, that means there are no \\n between attributes. This code should do the trick (but you will have to tweak it to align your elements) :

myInstance?.person.replaceAll(',\s\"', ',<br/>\s\"')

But, this is a dirty way ! You should try to change your string format source to something exploitable by the encodeAsHtml ;)

I try this in my gsp. Of course I already have '\\n' in db

${myobjectinstance?.myfield.encodeAsHTML().replaceAll('\n', '<br/>') }

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