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Gulp-browserify Error

I am pretty new to gulp and browserify . I have written a gulpfile.js like this.

gulp.task('default', function (done) {

var b = browserify({
            entries: ['app/app.js'],

var browserifiedCode = b
        .on('error', function(err) {
            gutil.log('Browserify Error', gutil.colors.red(err));
        .pipe(source('app.browserified.js'))  --> what does it mean ??

var nonBrowserifyLibraries = [];        
var output = gulpMerge(

//output = output.pipe(uglify());

return output.pipe(gulp.dest('./'));

After running gulp it is creating app.js but when I am running it in browser then I am getting error Uncaught TypeError: fs.readdirSync is not a function

Can any one help me out.


EDITED : I am using bulk-require which somewhere has fs.readdirSync(abc) , I am sure it is creating a problem. Even without gulp when I did browserify app/app.js -o app.js and loaded this app.js in browser still I got the same fs.readdirSync error.

Try the following snippet, specific for only browserify task.

gulp.task('browserify', function () {
return browserify('app/app.js') // main source file
  .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/app.js')); // destination file

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