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Product thumbnail images are not displayed in backend after manual upload in magento 1.9.1

Image thumbnails are not visible in admin.

I have manually uploaded images for products in admin. Images are visible in frontend. But not displayed in admin.

It shows the text "roll over for preview", when rolled over it just become empty.

Changed media folder permission to 777. and I have removed .htaccess file from /media folder too...

Plz see the image.

But the thumbnails are visible for existing products.

This is the existing product page.

Try This below Solution

Open up the following file:


Find this line :

 chmod($destinationFile, 0640);

Replace it with this line:

chmod($destinationFile, 0777);

This can be caused by wrong permissions set to uploaded files. Open lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php and make sure following permission are set:

Around line 219:

chmod($destinationFile, 0666);

Around line 541:

if (!(@is_dir($destinationFolder) || @mkdir($destinationFolder, 0777, true))) {

Note: This issue will also be fixed by applying patch SUPEE-7405 v1.1

increase your memory limit from php.ini or you can ask to your server support

memory_limit = 512M

no need to clear magento cache

add below code in php.ini file on root

memory_limit = 512M

in admin panel go to admin->system->cache management and click Flush Catalog Images Cache

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