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Why does adding a constructor break Angular 2 here?

I am attempting to define a TypeScript class called NavItem that I want to hold a title and url. I find that if I define this class and instantiate it using object notation {title: "foo", url: "bar"} it works perfectly, but as soon as I add a constructor (even if I don't immediately use it) it completely breaks:

import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core'

    selector: 'nav-item',
    templateUrl: './views/navitem.html',
export class NavItem {
    @Input() title: String = "default title";
    @Input() url: String;

    // if I comment the following out it works fine:
    constructor(inTitle: String, inUrl: String) {
        this.title = inTitle;
        this.url = inUrl;

If I put the constructor in, I get this in my page:

EXCEPTION: No provider for String! (NavItem -> String) in [navItems in TopNav@2:11]

If I put the constructor in, I get this in my page:

This is because angular is supposed to instantiate the controller for you . You don't do new FooController , angular does. So any constructor parameters must have a corresponding provider registered with angular.

The constructor is used for DI with components. If you want to pass in the values of title and url you would do the following.

<nav-item [title]="Sometitle" [url]="http://someurl.com">

Angular will hook it up for you

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