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Aurelia: resize/layout change event for view?

Is there a way to subscribe to a view in order to observe resize/layout events in Aurelia? I have a canvas I would like to resize. I'm wondering if there is an "aurelia" way to do this?

I tried:

<div ref="canvasContainer" class="widget-dial-container" resize.delegate="doresize()">
  <canvas ref="canvas" class="widget-dial-canvas" />

but it never calls my doresize() method.

I've tried binding to the DOM offsetWidth and offsetHeight, but this doesn't work either (with and without @bindable canvasContainer; in the vm)

The resize event is only supported on the window itself, as Kruga mentioned. You can attach to it in a cross-platform fashion using the Aurelia Platform Abstraction Layer's PLATFORM object. You'll have to run jspm install aurelia-pal to get it. If you aren't worried about cross-plat, then you can just use the window object.

The following template and VM work for me. I implemented a throttle on the resize timer:


  <div style="height: 125px; min-width: 150px; width: 100%;" ref="canvasContainer">
    <canvas ref="canvas" width.one-way="canvasContainer.offsetWidth"></canvas>


import {PLATFORM} from 'aurelia-pal';

export class App {
  resizeTimer = null;
  resizeEventHandler = () => this.resized();

  attached() {

    PLATFORM.global.addEventListener("resize", this.resizeEventHandler);

  detached() {
    PLATFORM.global.removeEventListener("resize", this.resizeEventHandler);

  resized() {

    this.resizeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
      let ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

      ctx.fillStyle = "green";
      ctx.font = "30px Arial";
      ctx.fillText(`Width: ${this.canvas.width}`,10,50);
    }, 150);

I made an add-on that makes use of a package npm:element-resize-detector . This will detect all changes to a div's size, including those from css animations.


install it:

npm install aurelia-resize --save

add it to your config:

export function configure(aurelia) {

add a method on your view-model:

    console.log("width=" + detail.width);
    console.log("height=" + detail.height);
    console.log("old width=" + detail.widthOld);
    console.log("old height=" + detail.heightOld);

then use it by adding resizeable attribute and binding to the resize event.

<div resizeable resize.trigger="foo($event.detail)">

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