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Using ArcTween to animate arcs in d3.js

Currently trying to animate the drawing of a PieChart in d3.js and I'm currently having difficulty with the ArcTween function, heres my code:

   <!doctype HTML>
            <title>Page Title</title>
            <meta charset="UTF-8">

            <script type="text/javascript" src="js/d3.min.js"></script>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css">


            <script type="text/javascript">

     // initializing variables 

                var data = []; // empty array to hold the objects imported from the JSON file
                var oRadius = 300; //var holding value for the outer radius of the arc
                var iRadius = 80;  //var holding the value for the inner radius of the arc
                var cRadius = 3;   //var holding the value for the corner radius of the arc
                var colors = d3.scale.category20b();//built in D3 function to color pieces of data
                var width = 1400; //setting the width of the svg
                var height = 1000; //setting the height of the svg
                var dRadius = 5; //setting the radius for the dots
                var sColor = "white"; // color for the stroke of the arcs
                var dStrokeColor = "#666"; // stroke color for the dots
                var dFillColor  = "#ccc" // fill color for the dots
                var fontSize = 25; // font size value for the text labels
                var numFont = 15; // font size for the number labels
                var linePadding = 160; // value to translate the text and number labels to the end of each polyLine

                var myArcMaker= d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(oRadius).innerRadius(iRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); //var that returns the values needed to create the arcs of the pie chart            
                var bigArcMaker=  d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(400).innerRadius(oRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); //var that returns the values needed to create the arcs of the big pie chart used to draw the polylines            

                var  mySvg =  d3.select('body') //select the html body in the DOM
                              .append('svg') // place an empty svg in the body
                              .attr('width', width) //give the svg this width
                              .attr("height", height)//give the svg this height
                              .append("g")//append a group to the svg
                              .attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")")// centers the pie chart in the center of the svg this will make sure everything in the group is centered 

                               mySvg.append("g") //creates a group
                               .attr("class", "slices"); // give it a class of slices, used for the pie chart arcs
                               mySvg.append("g") // creates a group
                               .attr("class", "dots"); // give it a class of dots, used for the circles in the centre of the arcs
                                mySvg.append("g")//creates a group
                               .attr("class", "lines");// give it a class of lines, used for the big pie chart surrounding the main piechart
                                mySvg.append("g")//creates a group
                               .attr("class", "polyLines");//gives it a class of polylines, used for the polylines protruding it from the pie chart arcs
                                mySvg.append("g")//creates a group
                               .attr("class", "labels");//gives a class of labels, used for the text labels at the end of the polylines
                                 mySvg.append("g")//creates a group
                               .attr("class", "numlabels");//gives it a class of numlabels, used for the number labels at the end of the polylines

                var myPie =  d3.layout.pie()
                             .sort(null) //removes any d3 sorting 
                            .startAngle((Math.PI)/360) // setting the start angle for the arcs
                            .endAngle((2*(Math.PI))) // setting the end angle for the arcs
                            .padAngle(2*(2*(Math.PI))/360).value(function(d){return d.value}); //setting the values for that start angle, end angle and pad angle for the arcs and takes in the the values from the objects in the data array


                     d3.json("data.json", function (json) // importing the json file

                        data = json; // setting the empty data array equal to the values of the objects in the json file
                        visual(); // this function holds all the d3 code to create the arc



                function visual() // this function prevents the code that creates the arc from running before the objects from the json file are added into the empty data array

                  //  console.log(data); // checking to see if the objects are loaded into the data ray using the console in chrome

                    var slice = mySvg.select("g.slices") //selecting the class slices
                      .selectAll("path.slice")//selecting all paths in the slice class
                      .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements 
                      .enter()//begin looping through the data
                      .append("path")//append a path
                      .attr("class", "slice")//give it a class of slice
                      .attr("d", function(d) {//runs the data in the dataset through the arcmaker function
                        return myArcMaker(d)
                      .attr("fill", function(d, i) {
                        return colors(i);
                      }) //using the d3 color brewer to color each arc
                      .each(function(d) { this._current = d; })
                      .attr("stroke", "white") //giving each arc a stroke of white
                      .style('stroke-width',2) //gives the stroke a width of 2px
                      .each(function(d) { this._current = d; })
                      .transition().duration(750).attrTween("d", arcTween); // redraw the arcs

                    var dots = mySvg.select("g.dots") //select the group dots
                      .selectAll("cirlces") //select all circles in the dots group
                      .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements
                      .enter()//begin the loop
                      .append("circle")//draw a circle
                      .attr("class", "g.dots")//gives it a class of dots
                      .attr("transform", function(d)//transform each circle to the centre of each arc using the .centroid method
                        return "translate(" + myArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; 
                      .attr("r", dRadius)//setting the radius of the circle
                      .attr("fill", dFillColor)//setting the fill color
                      .attr("stroke", sColor)//setting the stroke color
                    var lines = mySvg.select(".lines") //select the lines class                         *--------------------------------------*
                      .selectAll("path.lines")//select all paths in the lines class                     * This section here is to draw         *
                      .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements                           * the invisible piechart that          * 
                      .enter()//begin the loop                                                          * surrounds the smaller piechart this  * 
                      .append("path")//draw a path                                                      * used for the polylines later on      *
                      .attr("class", "lines")//give it a class of lines                                 *--------------------------------------*
                      .attr("d", function(d) {//set the d value to the values returned from the bigArcMaker function
                        return bigArcMaker(d)
                      }).attr("fill", "none")//give the fill a value of none
                      .attr("stroke", "none")//give the stroke a value of none

    //                var outerDots =  mySvg.select("g.dots")//select the dots group
    //                  .selectAll("cirlces")//select all circles in the dots group
    //                  .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements
    //                  .enter()
    //                  .append("circle")//create a circle
    //                  .attr("class", "g.dots")//give it a class of dots
    //                  .attr("transform", function(d)//translate it to the centroid of the bigArc surrounding the main pie chart
    //                  {
    //                    return "translate(" + bigArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; 
    //                  })
    //                  .attr("r", dRadius)          
    //                  .attr("fill", dFillColor)
    //                  .attr("stroke", sColor)

    //                    var x1 = myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0];
    //                    var y1 = myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1];
    //                    var x2 = bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0];
    //                    var y2 = bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1];
    //                    var x3 = function(d){if(x2<0){return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]-160}}

    //                    var lineData = [{'x': x1},
    //                                   ]

                        var polyLines = mySvg.select(".polyLines")//select the class of polylines
                        .selectAll("polylines")//sellect all polylines in the class of polylines
                        .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements
                        .append("polyline")//create a polyline
                        .attr("class", "polyLines")//give it a class of polylines
                        .attr("points", function(d) {//set the points for the polylines
                          var p = " "; //used because i was getting errors with my strings also makes this the conditional statement more readable
                          p += myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ',';
                          p += bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] < 0 ? bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - linePadding : bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + linePadding; //if the x value for the bigArc maker is less than zero - linePadding, if its greater, add linePading
                          p +=  ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1];
                          return p;

                       .attr("fill", "none")//gives the fill value none
                       .attr("stroke", sColor) //gives the stroke a color of sColor
                       .style('stroke-width',2)//gives the stroke-width of 2 pixels

                        var labels = mySvg.select(".labels")//select class labels
                                    .selectAll("text")//select all text
                                    .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements
                                    .append("text")//create a text
                                    .text(function(d) //setting the text value to the Fruits label in the dataset
                                    return d.data.Fruits;
                                    .style("fill", sColor)//sets the fill to the sColor attribute
                                    .attr("x", function(d)//conditional statement that determines where the text will be placed, similar to the polylines
                                         return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]+linePadding;
                                         return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]-linePadding;

                                        .attr("y", function(d){return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]})//set the why value to the y value of the centroid array
                                        .attr("text-anchor", function(d){
                                              if(bigArcMaker.centroid(d)>0)//conditional statement that sets the text anchor for each piece of text, similar to polylines 

                                                return "start"
                                                  return "end"

                                            .attr("font-family", "Helvetica") // sets the font family
                                            .style("font-size", fontSize)//sets the font size

                        var numLabels = mySvg.select(".numlabels") //select the class numlabels
                                    .selectAll("text")//selects all text in the class numlabels
                                    .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements
                                    .append("text")//append a text
                                    .text(function(d) //sets the value of the text to the value attribute in the dataset array
                                    return d.data.value;
                                    .style("fill", sColor)//sets the fill color
                                    .attr("x", function(d)//conditional statement to set the x value of the text similar to the polylines and labels
                                         return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]+linePadding;
                                         return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]-linePadding;

                                        .attr("y", function(d){return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]})//set the why value to the y value of the centroid array
                                         .attr("text-anchor", function(d){
                                              if(bigArcMaker.centroid(d)>0)//conditional statement that sets the text anchor for each piece of text, similar to polylines 

                                                return "start"
                                                  return "end"

                                        .attr("dy", 20)
                                        .attr("font-family", "Helvetica") // sets the font family
                                        .style("font-size", numFont)

                     function arcTween(a)
                      var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, a);
                      this._current = i(0);
                      return function(t)
                       return myArcMaker(i(t));


I want it to start from the start angle and draw to the end angle, ive tried using d.startAngle and d.endAngle but when I inspect it in chrome I get an uncaught reference error because d is not defined. Currently the code is compiling and I'm getting no errors when I inspect it, I'm not quite sure how this works so an explination would be great

heres my JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/JamieHyland1/gyekfnr2/

You are close, your tween function is a little off. Also, you can scrap all the this._current stuff and just make a closure in the tween function itself.

  function arcTween(a) { //<-- a is the datum bound to each arc
    var startAngle = a.startAngle; //<-- keep reference to start angle
    var i = d3.interpolate(a.startAngle, a.endAngle); //<-- interpolate start to end
    return function(t) {
      return myArcMaker({ //<-- return arc at each iteration from start to interpolate end
        startAngle: startAngle,
        endAngle: i(t)

You call this as:

var slice = mySvg.select("g.slices") //selecting the class slices
    .selectAll("path.slice") //selecting all paths in the slice class
    .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements 
    .enter() //begin looping through the data
    .append("path") //append a path
    .attr("class", "slice") //give it a class of slice
    .attr("fill", function(d, i) {
      return colors(i);
    }) //using the d3 color brewer to color each arc
    .attr("stroke", "white") //giving each arc a stroke of white
    .style('stroke-width', 2) //gives the stroke a width of 2px
    .transition().duration(750).attrTween("d", arcTween); // redraw the arcs

Full code:

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <script data-require="d3@3.5.3" data-semver="3.5.3" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.3/d3.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> //========================================================================================================================================= // initializing variables var data = []; // empty array to hold the objects imported from the JSON file var oRadius = 300; //var holding value for the outer radius of the arc var iRadius = 80; //var holding the value for the inner radius of the arc var cRadius = 3; //var holding the value for the corner radius of the arc var colors = d3.scale.category20b(); //built in D3 function to color pieces of data var width = 1400; //setting the width of the svg var height = 1000; //setting the height of the svg var dRadius = 5; //setting the radius for the dots var sColor = "white"; // color for the stroke of the arcs var dStrokeColor = "#666"; // stroke color for the dots var dFillColor = "#ccc" // fill color for the dots var fontSize = 25; // font size value for the text labels var numFont = 15; // font size for the number labels var linePadding = 160; // value to translate the text and number labels to the end of each polyLine var myArcMaker = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(oRadius).innerRadius(iRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); //var that returns the values needed to create the arcs of the pie chart var bigArcMaker = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(400).innerRadius(oRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); //var that returns the values needed to create the arcs of the big pie chart used to draw the polylines var mySvg = d3.select('body') //select the html body in the DOM .append('svg') // place an empty svg in the body .attr('width', width) //give the svg this width .attr("height", height) //give the svg this height .append("g") //append a group to the svg .attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")") // centers the pie chart in the center of the svg this will make sure everything in the group is centered mySvg.append("g") //creates a group .attr("class", "slices"); // give it a class of slices, used for the pie chart arcs mySvg.append("g") // creates a group .attr("class", "dots"); // give it a class of dots, used for the circles in the centre of the arcs mySvg.append("g") //creates a group .attr("class", "lines"); // give it a class of lines, used for the big pie chart surrounding the main piechart mySvg.append("g") //creates a group .attr("class", "polyLines"); //gives it a class of polylines, used for the polylines protruding it from the pie chart arcs mySvg.append("g") //creates a group .attr("class", "labels"); //gives a class of labels, used for the text labels at the end of the polylines mySvg.append("g") //creates a group .attr("class", "numlabels"); //gives it a class of numlabels, used for the number labels at the end of the polylines var myPie = d3.layout.pie() .sort(null) //removes any d3 sorting .startAngle((Math.PI) / 360) // setting the start angle for the arcs .endAngle((2 * (Math.PI))) // setting the end angle for the arcs .padAngle(2 * (2 * (Math.PI)) / 360).value(function(d) { return d.value }); //setting the values for that start angle, end angle and pad angle for the arcs and takes in the the values from the objects in the data array //====================================================================================================================================================== // d3.json("data.json", function (json) // importing the json file // { data = [{ value: 10 }, { value: 20 }, { value: 30 }]; visual(); // this function holds all the d3 code to create the arc // }) //====================================================================================================================================================== function visual() // this function prevents the code that creates the arc from running before the objects from the json file are added into the empty data array { // console.log(data); // checking to see if the objects are loaded into the data ray using the console in chrome var slice = mySvg.select("g.slices") //selecting the class slices .selectAll("path.slice") //selecting all paths in the slice class .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements .enter() //begin looping through the data .append("path") //append a path .attr("class", "slice") //give it a class of slice .attr("fill", function(d, i) { return colors(i); }) //using the d3 color brewer to color each arc .attr("stroke", "white") //giving each arc a stroke of white .style('stroke-width', 2) //gives the stroke a width of 2px .transition().duration(750).attrTween("d", arcTween); // redraw the arcs var dots = mySvg.select("g.dots") //select the group dots .selectAll("cirlces") //select all circles in the dots group .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements .enter() //begin the loop .append("circle") //draw a circle .attr("class", "g.dots") //gives it a class of dots .attr("transform", function(d) //transform each circle to the centre of each arc using the .centroid method { return "translate(" + myArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; }) .attr("r", dRadius) //setting the radius of the circle .attr("fill", dFillColor) //setting the fill color .attr("stroke", sColor) //setting the stroke color // var lines = mySvg.select(".lines") //select the lines class *--------------------------------------* .selectAll("path.lines") //select all paths in the lines class * This section here is to draw * .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements * the invisible piechart that * .enter() //begin the loop * surrounds the smaller piechart this * .append("path") //draw a path * used for the polylines later on * .attr("class", "lines") //give it a class of lines *--------------------------------------* .attr("d", function(d) { //set the d value to the values returned from the bigArcMaker function return bigArcMaker(d) }).attr("fill", "none") //give the fill a value of none .attr("stroke", "none") //give the stroke a value of none // var outerDots = mySvg.select("g.dots")//select the dots group // .selectAll("cirlces")//select all circles in the dots group // .data(myPie(data))//binds the data to the DOM elements // .enter() // .append("circle")//create a circle // .attr("class", "g.dots")//give it a class of dots // .attr("transform", function(d)//translate it to the centroid of the bigArc surrounding the main pie chart // { // return "translate(" + bigArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; // }) // .attr("r", dRadius) // .attr("fill", dFillColor) // .attr("stroke", sColor) // var x1 = myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]; // var y1 = myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; // var x2 = bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]; // var y2 = bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; // var x3 = function(d){if(x2<0){return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]-160}} // var lineData = [{'x': x1}, // ] var polyLines = mySvg.select(".polyLines") //select the class of polylines .selectAll("polylines") //sellect all polylines in the class of polylines .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements .enter() .append("polyline") //create a polyline .attr("class", "polyLines") //give it a class of polylines .attr("points", function(d) { //set the points for the polylines var p = " "; //used because i was getting errors with my strings also makes this the conditional statement more readable p += myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ','; p += bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] < 0 ? bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - linePadding : bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + linePadding; //if the x value for the bigArc maker is less than zero - linePadding, if its greater, add linePading p += ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; return p; }) .attr("fill", "none") //gives the fill value none .attr("stroke", sColor) //gives the stroke a color of sColor .style('stroke-width', 2) //gives the stroke-width of 2 pixels var labels = mySvg.select(".labels") //select class labels .selectAll("text") //select all text .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements .enter() .append("text") //create a text .text(function(d) //setting the text value to the Fruits label in the dataset { return d.data.Fruits; }) .style("fill", sColor) //sets the fill to the sColor attribute .attr("x", function(d) //conditional statement that determines where the text will be placed, similar to the polylines { if (bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] > 0) { return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + linePadding; } else { return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - linePadding; } }) .attr("y", function(d) { return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] }) //set the why value to the y value of the centroid array .attr("text-anchor", function(d) { if (bigArcMaker.centroid(d) > 0) //conditional statement that sets the text anchor for each piece of text, similar to polylines { return "start" } else { return "end" } }) .attr("font-family", "Helvetica") // sets the font family .style("font-size", fontSize) //sets the font size var numLabels = mySvg.select(".numlabels") //select the class numlabels .selectAll("text") //selects all text in the class numlabels .data(myPie(data)) //binds the data to the DOM elements .enter() .append("text") //append a text .text(function(d) //sets the value of the text to the value attribute in the dataset array { return d.data.value; }) .style("fill", sColor) //sets the fill color .attr("x", function(d) //conditional statement to set the x value of the text similar to the polylines and labels { if (bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] > 0) { return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + linePadding; } else { return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - linePadding; } }) .attr("y", function(d) { return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] }) //set the why value to the y value of the centroid array .attr("text-anchor", function(d) { if (bigArcMaker.centroid(d) > 0) //conditional statement that sets the text anchor for each piece of text, similar to polylines { return "start" } else { return "end" } }) .attr("dy", 20) .attr("font-family", "Helvetica") // sets the font family .style("font-size", numFont) function arcTween(a) { var startAngle = a.startAngle; var i = d3.interpolate(a.startAngle, a.endAngle); return function(t) { return myArcMaker({ startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: i(t) }); }; } } </script> </body> </html> 

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