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Routing error in laravel 5.2

There is a route:

Route::get('message/{id}/edit', ['uses' => 'HomeController@edit', 'as' => 'message.edit'])->where(['id' => '[0-9]+']);

Code in my HomeController:

public function edit($id) {
    $data = [
        'title' => 'page',
        'pagetitle' => 'page',
        'message' => Message::find($id)

    return view('pages.messages.edit', $data);

And a view:

    {!! Form::open(['route' => 'message.edit']) !!}
    {!! Form::close() !!}

And I get this error:

ErrorException in UrlGenerationException.php line 17:
Missing required parameters for [Route: message.edit] [URI: message/{id}/edit]. (View: C:\OpenServer\domains\laravel\book\resources\views\pages\messages\edit.blade.php)

Where is the problem? I tried to remove form from code, it works well. So it means that something wrong with the form.



{!! Form::open(['route' => ['message.edit', $message]]) !!}

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