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CSS Transform with % convert from px dont work

I have this code:

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <div style="width:50%;height:30%;background:#65C6BB;position:absolute;transform: translate(20px,0px);"> </div> </body> </html> 

I wanted to convert the CSS property ' transform ' to percentage.

I using the rule : (100 / window.innerWidth) *pixels

Just doing it my result to a Window Width of 1920 is 1.0416666666666667

If I replace it in the property CSS transform to transform: translate(1.0416666666666667%,0px);

The div will not stay in the same position. I've tried using window.document.body.offsetWidth but don't works too.

PS: with width and height is working.

Sorry for my English.

Transform using % moves the element with respect to element's size and not its parent's size. The formula should be (100 / element.offsetWidth) * pixels

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