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How to connect via mongoose and a ssh tunnel

I have setup my mongod.conf as follows so it only allows localhost connection.

  dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
    enabled: true

  destination: file
  logAppend: true
  path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

  port: 27017

I then want my site to ssh into the mongodb so the port has to be converted to localhost.

However how can I integrate this with mongoose's connect function?

mongoose.connect(configDB.url, function(err){
  if (err){
    console.log('Error connecting to mongodb: ' + err)

I have found the following command but I am not sure if this is what I need:

ssh -L 4321:localhost:27017 -i ~/.ssh/ssh_key user@ip-adress

This should ssh me via port 4321 to the localhost right? So I think I need something like this in the nodejs mongoose's connect function. I've tried to read up on this on the mongodb security tutorials but I cannot link their instructions to nodejs at all. Anyone who has experience with this?

You're nearly there. Set up the tunnel independent of node:

ssh -Nf -p [db_server_ssh_port] [mongo_user]@[mongo_domain] -L \

And then within node, connect to mongo using [local_db_port]:


All the traffic sent to [local_db_port] on the web server will be sent through the tunnel to port [remote_db_port] on [mongo_domain]. The following post gives more info. It's connecting to a MySQL database, but the principle is the same.

Connect to MySQL using SSH Tunneling in node-mysql

Set up the tunnel independent of node:

ssh -L [your given port]:localhost:27017 [username of ssh]@[ip address of ssh matchine] -f -N

after that you have include your given port for mongo database. In the nodejs you have to setup for mongoose connection like this

'mongodb://localhost:[your given port number]/[database name]'

enjoy it

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