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How to remove an element in Vue.js?

I'm new to Vue. I can not remove an item from a DOM, in Vue.js Javascript file. I successfully managed to make an ajax post request, which removes a specific record from my database.

Once it's removed, I need to remove it from a DOM, so it won't shop up without need to reload the same page - I guess you know what I mean.

I can do it in jQuery, but I wonder how it should be done in Vue.js actually ?

Here is my portion of the code:


onSubmit: function(e){

    $tablerow = this.el.parentNode.parentNode;

    // Assign a correct submit request type and url

onComplete: function(){

    // Remove the item from a DOM  <<< I NEED TO REMOVE PARENT <tr/> ELEMENT
    $(this.el).closest('tr').fadeOut(300, function(){

    // If complete message exists, use it as a feedback


Any suggestion please ? Sorry if my question is dumb, but I have not best knowledge in programming.

Normally you will have a list of items you are displaying with v-for in your table rows which are stored in an array. After your ajax call you can remove this item using this.items.$remove(item) and it will be automatically removed from where it is displayed in the DOM.

Since you didn't show your template I will try to recreate a similar scenario of what i think you are trying to do

data: function(){
   return {
       items: ['item1','item2','item3']

methods: {
    remove: function(item){
            this.items.$remove(item);//will remove the <tr> from the DOM 

Your template can be like

  <tr v-for="item in items" v-on:click="remove(item)">{{ item }}</tr>

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