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Setting up MX Records GitHub Pages

I recently got an account with a custom after the @ email address. I can send emails from this, but cannot receive them. I am currently hosting my website with GitHub Pages, and am wondering how the MX records work. Zoho's documentation is kinda confusing: I am wondering how to set this up.


Github Pages doesn't directly have anything to do with your particular question I don't think.

The MX records need to be set as part of your DNS settings (or ZONE file), and therefore are related to your domain name rather than necessarily your hosting provider.

Unless your hosting provider also manages your DNS settings (as in my case with DigitalOcean), these settings will typically be managed with your domain registrar (eg GoDaddy, 123-Reg.co.uk etc.).

The documentation you link to provides walkthrough tutorials for many domain providers (eg GoDaddy etc.), but from what I can remember, you basically have two steps in setting up Zoho (which I also use - and wholeheartedly recommend!):

  1. Add a temporary CNAME record to the DNS settings for your domain (using the details provided by Zoho) so that Zoho can verify you have administrative access to the domain record.

  2. Add the two MX records to your domain record, again using the details provided by Zoho.

Here is an example set of DNS records containing the two Zoho MX records and the verify CNAME record to help illustrate:

使用 Zoho MX 记录的示例 DNS 设置

Hope this helps.

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