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How to break a callback chain in JavaScript?

I am uploading multiple files from a browser and need to do so sequentially.

So I chain the next upload commencement from the previous upload completion callback.

It's simple and works just fine.

During the upload I display the progress to the user along with a cancel button.

If the user hits cancel I want to stop the entire callback chain.

How would I do that? Is there some mechanism in JavaScript to halt my callback chain?

OK here is an example of a callback chain in JavaScript. The question is, how to break it from a "cancel" button?


var filenamesToProcessQueue = ['v.jpg','w.jpg','x.jpg','y.jpg','z.jpg']

function finishedProcessing (filename) {
console.log('finished processing: ' + filename)
// processing finished for this file, start again by chaining to the next one

function waitForEachFile (filename, callback) {
// wait a couple of seconds and log the filename
setTimeout(function(){ console.log('Waited 2 seconds for: ' + filename);callback(filename);}, 2000)


function doProcessFiles() {
// get next file to process and remove it from the queue at same time
filename = filenamesToProcessQueue.pop()
// if the file is undefined then the queue was empty
if (typeof filename !== 'undefined') {
console.log('Process ' + filename)
waitForEachFile(filename, finishedProcessing)


On click of a cancel button, set a flag

var cancelFlag = false;
document.getElementById("cancelBtn").addEventListener("click", function(){
   cancelFlag = true;
   //other code

change your doProcess to

function doProcessFiles() 
    if (cancelFlag)
      return false; //this will break the chain
    // get next file to process and remove it from the queue at same time
    filename = filenamesToProcessQueue.pop()
    // if the file is undefined then the queue was empty
    if (typeof filename !== 'undefined') 
       console.log('Process ' + filename)
       waitForEachFile(filename, finishedProcessing)

You can also stop your waiting

function waitForEachFile (filename, callback) 
    if (cancelFlag)
        return false; //this will stop waiting as well
   // wait a couple of seconds and log the filename
   setTimeout(function(){ console.log('Waited 2 seconds for: ' +   filename);callback(filename);}, 2000)

you can set the flag in the cancel button itself

document.getElementById("cancelBtn").setAttribute("data-flag", "true");

and check this value

var cancelFlag = Boolean(document.getElementById("cancelBtn").getAttribute("data-flag"));

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