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openerp - res.partner: default value depending on company type

When creating a new contact, I would like to set "Customer" to True and "supplier" to False if the contact is "Individual" and vice versa: if the contact is Company : Set "customer" to False and "supplier" to True.

I've tried to make some changes in xml file so far but nothing happns..

<field name="supplier">{[('is_company','=', True)],'default_customer': 0,'default_supplier': 1} </field>

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance

Hereafter my .py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
import time
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, date, time
from openerp import api 

class mypartner_custom(osv.osv):
    _inherit = 'res.partner'

    _columns = {

            'plafond_credit' : fields.float(string = 'Plafond Crédit',digits=(6,2)),
            'cin' : fields.char(string = 'CIN', size=15),


def change_company_type(self):
   if self.is_company == True:
      self.customer = False
      self.supplier = True
   else :
      self.customer = True
      self.supplier = False

Use the onchange method :

def change_company_type(self):
   if self.company_type == 'person':
      self.customer = True
      self.supplier = False
   else :
      self.customer = True
      self.supplier = True

Don't forget about the default values as this method is executed only when company_type value is changed..

You are using the old api so use this method instead :

def onchange_company_type(self, cr, uid, ids, company_type, context=None):
  return {'value': {'customer': False, 'supplier': True}} if company_type=='person' else {'value': {'customer': True, 'supplier': False}}

And in the company_type field in xml file add this attribute


Override the create method, check the corresponding values, and set like you want:

def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
    if vals['contact'] == "Individual":
        vals['customer'] = True
        vals['supplier'] = False
    elif vals['contact'] == "Company":
        vals['customer'] = False
        vals['supplier'] = True
    return super(res_partner, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)

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