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Cannot store a Double value in Realm database in iOS

I'm just trying to understand Realm and ran into an issue. I have a model like this

class Template: Object {
    dynamic var id = NSUUID().UUIDString
    var pages = List<TemplatePage>()
class TemplatePage : Object {
    var xPosition: Double = 0.0
    var yPosition: Double = 0.0

Now, I'm executing the following code:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let realm = try! Realm()
    var templatePages = [TemplatePage]()
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        addTemplatePage(1.0, yPosition: 2.0)

        //add more template pages
        //when all pages have been added create a template out of it.


    //Execute this method several times depending on the user interation
    //here we only execute it once
    func addTemplatePage(xPosition: Double, yPosition: Double) {

        do {
            let templatePage = TemplatePage()
            templatePage.xPosition = xPosition
            templatePage.yPosition = yPosition
            try realm.write {

        catch _ {
            print("error while adding a template page")
    //once all pages have been added create a template of of all recently added pages
    func addTemplate() {
        do {
            let template = Template()
            try realm.write {

        catch _ {
            print("error while adding the template")
    func getXCoordinateOfFirstTemplatePage() {
        let template = realm.objects(Template)[0]

When I run this code, it prints 0.0, the default value of the TemplatePage xPosition property. However, I don't understand why because I would actually expect it to print 1.0. I don't quite get why. Can someone give me a hint?

I faced similar issues. Whenever you use nested class like you are doing with TemplatePage make the variables dynamic.


var xPosition: Double = 0.0
var yPosition: Double = 0.0


dynamic var xPosition: Double = 0.0
dynamic var yPosition: Double = 0.0

I tried few things with 'RealmSwift' for Swift 4.2 to store Double value in Realm. The following worked well. @objc is for Swift version and also Realm does not allow me to define Double as Optional like Double? so I gave the default value.

@objc dynamic var height: Double = 0.0

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