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ic_launcher Icon size in Android Studio

I replaced the default ic_launcher icon to another image, but I have a problem with the size of the icon and I cannot get the full size as shown in the bellow image.


Could anyone help me and tell me how to make the icon full size?

any help is appreciated??

File -> New -> Image Asset

Select Launcher icons as asset type

choose high res image

and dont forget to tick the box that says "Trim surrounding blank space"

credits : this question

I found two solutions to get around the extra padding that Android Studio adds when creating icons:

  1. Resize images using a [Windows] batch file. This is the one I use because it's the easiest for me (on Windows):

    a. Create a ResizeImage.exe using the simple code from http://www.ianmcintyre.com/2014/06/c-resize-image-fit-image.html

    b. Save the following ResizeAndroidLauncherImage.bat file in the same directory as ResizeImage.exe. This copies your original image to the various directories and resizes them:

     @echo off setlocal set subdir=%2 set iconsize=512 if not exist "%subdir%" mkdir "%subdir%" copy /Y %1 %subdir%\\ic_launcher-web.png %~dp0ResizeImage.exe %subdir%\\ic_launcher-web.png %iconsize% %iconsize% set subdir=%2\\res\\mipmap-xxxhdpi set iconsize=192 if not exist "%subdir%" mkdir "%subdir%" copy /Y %1 %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %~dp0ResizeImage.exe %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %iconsize% %iconsize% set subdir=%2\\res\\mipmap-xxhdpi set iconsize=144 if not exist "%subdir%" mkdir "%subdir%" copy /Y %1 %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %~dp0ResizeImage.exe %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %iconsize% %iconsize% set subdir=%2\\res\\mipmap-xhdpi set iconsize=96 if not exist "%subdir%" mkdir "%subdir%" copy /Y %1 %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %~dp0ResizeImage.exe %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %iconsize% %iconsize% set subdir=%2\\res\\mipmap-hdpi set iconsize=72 if not exist "%subdir%" mkdir "%subdir%" copy /Y %1 %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %~dp0ResizeImage.exe %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %iconsize% %iconsize% set subdir=%2\\res\\mipmap-mdpi set iconsize=48 if not exist "%subdir%" mkdir "%subdir%" copy /Y %1 %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %~dp0ResizeImage.exe %subdir%\\ic_launcher.png %iconsize% %iconsize% endlocal 

    c. Execute the batch file every time you update your icon:

     ResizeAndroidLauncherImage.bat [YourIcon.png] [YourAndreoidSRCDir] 
  2. Use the Android Asset Studio ( https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html ). You'll have to modify the source to remove the extra padding. See https://github.com/romannurik/AndroidAssetStudio/issues/73 for a discussion on how to do that. I tried this and used "none":

     const TARGET_RECTS_BY_SHAPE = { none: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 46, h: 46 }, circle: { x: 2, y: 2, w: 44, h: 44 }, square: { x: 5, y: 5, w: 38, h: 38 }, vrect: { x: 8, y: 2, w: 32, h: 44 }, hrect: { x: 2, y: 8, w: 44, h: 32 }, }; 

If I had Photoshop on my development machine, I would also try:

  1. Record and play back a batch script in Photoshop. [Note that I did not try this]

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