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Webpack CommonsChunkPlugin not works as expected

As docs says:

If your entry chunks have some modules in common, there is a cool plugin for this. The CommonsChunkPlugin identifies common modules and put them into a commons chunk.

My webpack.config.js:

var path = require("path");
var webpack = require("webpack");

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        p1: "./page1",
        p2: "./page2",
        p3: "./page3"
    output: {
        filename: "[name].entry.js",
        path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
        publicPath: "/dist/",
        chunkFilename: "[id].chunk.js"
    plugins: [
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('commons.chunk.js'),

page1.js: require(['jquery', 'lodash'], function($) { /* page 1 */ });

page2.js: require(['jquery', 'svgjs'], function($) { /* page 2 */ });

page3.js: require(['jquery', 'scriptjs'], function($) { /* page 3 */ });

What I expect from webpack --progress --colors --display-chunks is the that commons.chunk.js will contain jquery code, but ist not. commons.chunk.js contains only initial webpack stuff. And each page chunk contains jquery code.

Webpack output:

Hash: b931a47382d3148a8b55  
Version: webpack 1.12.14
Time: 696ms
           Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
     p1.entry.js  333 bytes    0, 6  [emitted]  p1
      1.chunk.js     761 kB    1, 6  [emitted]  
     p2.entry.js  333 bytes    2, 6  [emitted]  p2
      3.chunk.js     389 kB    3, 6  [emitted]  
     p3.entry.js  333 bytes    4, 6  [emitted]  p3
      5.chunk.js     271 kB    5, 6  [emitted]  
commons.chunk.js    3.52 kB       6  [emitted]  commons.chunk.js
chunk    {0} p1.entry.js (p1) 61 bytes {6} [rendered]
    [0] ./page1.js 61 bytes {0} [built]
chunk    {1} 1.chunk.js 738 kB {0} [rendered]
     + 3 hidden modules
chunk    {2} p2.entry.js (p2) 60 bytes {6} [rendered]
    [0] ./page2.js 60 bytes {2} [built]
chunk    {3} 3.chunk.js 376 kB {2} [rendered]
     + 2 hidden modules
chunk    {4} p3.entry.js (p3) 63 bytes {6} [rendered]
    [0] ./page3.js 63 bytes {4} [built]
chunk    {5} 5.chunk.js 262 kB {4} [rendered]
     + 2 hidden modules
chunk    {6} commons.chunk.js (commons.chunk.js) 0 bytes [rendered]

Am I doing it wrong? Or I misunderstand something?

So after restless night I found solution. require() is split point . And if I want to CommonsChunkPlugin magic to work, I should define pages:

page1.js: define(['jquery', 'lodash'], function($) { /* page 1 */ });

page2.js: define(['jquery', 'svgjs'], function($) { /* page 2 */ });

page3.js: define(['jquery', 'scriptjs'], function($) { /* page 3 */ });

In my case it is better move jquery to explicitly defined vendor chunk.

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