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Excel: Create a list (without spaces or blanks) from column of values

I have a checklist where if the user responds "yes" or "no", they will get a form or specific directions in column G.

I would like to compile a list of all the forms needed (either in a separate column or below the checklist in column G) when they are done using the checklist. It would be nice if that list did not include blanks. So if items 1-3 and 5 are checked off, it would read like this (in column I4:I7, for instance):

Form 1
Form 2
Form 3 
Form 5


You can get to the point of having column D (using checkbox linking and IF(condition,Form_x,"") and seeing the comments I believe it is not a problem for you).

To get column E you need to select E1:E5 and paste the formula


and confirm it with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. The references used are from my example, not your project.


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