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how do i get calling Activity name if it is a system app ( i.e gallery app )

i have searched a lot but i cant find answer so i thought i should post here.


my app works on images which are share by gallery application(ie default gallery app) and its works fine. but i want to override OnBackPress() method to check whether back button is pressed or not and if backbutton is pressed then i simply want to get calling activity name and want to kill that activity and go back to home.

i can do this if i call another activity form my activity but how can get calling activity name if it is a system app. (ie gallery application)

keep in mind that my app called when i share images from gallery app so basically i want to get gallery activity to kill it and can go back home safely. i dont wannna go back to gallery app.

i want to simply go back to home and kill that gallery app instead of going back to gallery app.

here is OnBackPressed() method

public void onBackPressed() {
    // do something on back.

    // what i tried so far but it is not working

i tired this and hopefully i can go back home safely but still gallery app run in background. i want to kill calling app too.

public void onBackPressed() {

Maybe something like this:


If this is not working you could try to add a filter in your intent before you open this explicit activity:


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