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Vue.js component with Vuex.js (instead of vue-i18n.js)

I've been trying to reproduce the button behavior that I've here , but with a different implementation. Basically, I'm trying to use Vuex instead of vue-i18n.js for internationalization purposes.

I now have the following code block, the purpose of which is to create language states and perform a XMLHttpRequest (for the .json files storing the various translations):

var storelang = new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        lang: {}
    mutations: {
        LANG: function (state, ln) {
            function loadJSON(callback) {
                var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
                xobj.open('GET', '../resources/i18n/' + ln + '.json', true);
                xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {

            loadJSON(function (languageJSON) {
                state.lang = JSON.parse(languageJSON);
        strict: true

var mix = Vue.mixin({
    computed: {
        lang: function () {
        return storelang.state.lang;


On my component constructor (created and initialized in the root Vue instance), I've the following:

components: {
        lang: {
            template: '<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" @click.prevent=activate(lang.code) @click="setActiveLang" v-show="!isActive">{{ lang.code }}</button>',
            props: [
            computed: {
                isActive: function() {
                    return this.lang.code == this.active.code
            methods: {
                activate: function(code) {
                    storelang.dispatch('LANG', code);
                setActiveLang: function() {
                    this.active = this.lang;
            ready: function() {
                storelang.dispatch('LANG', 'en'); //default language

On my root Vue instance's data object , I've added the following:

langs: [{
    code: "en"
}, {
    code: "fr"
}, {
    code: "pt"
active: {
    "code": "pt"

And finally, on my html :

<div v-for="lang in langs">
        <lang :lang="lang" :active.sync="active"></lang>

I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong here.


Here's a JsFiddle (I've exchanged the XMLHttpRequest request for json arrays). Also, this is a working example, but the language selector buttons do not hide when the respective language is selected, which is the opposite of what I want. Meaning that, I'm attempting to hide each individual language selector button when the user clicks it and selects the respective language (while showing the other language selector buttons).

The solution involves saving an active state in the store , in addition to the lang state:

new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        active: {},
        lang: {}

Adding an ACTIVE mutation :

ACTIVE: function(state, ln) {
        var langcode = 'en'
    if (ln === 'pt') {
        langcode = 'pt'
    if (ln === 'fr') {
        langcode = 'fr'
  state.active = langcode

On the computed properties block, one also needs to add getter functions for the active state and return the langcode that is currently active :

    computed: {
        lang: function() {
            return storelang.state.lang
        enIsActive: function() {
            return storelang.state.active == 'en'
        frIsActive: function() {
            return storelang.state.active == 'fr'
        ptIsActive: function() {
            return storelang.state.active == 'pt'

Then, it is just a question of conditionally displaying each of the buttons on the component template by adding v-show="!enIsActive" , v-show="!frIsActive" , etc.:

var langBtn = Vue.extend({
template: '<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" @click.prevent=activate("en") v-show="!enIsActive">en</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-info" @click.prevent=activate("pt") v-show="!ptIsActive">pt</button><button  type="button" class="btn btn-info" @click.prevent=activate("fr") v-show="!frIsActive">fr</button>',

Finally, on the activate method, adding a new line to change the active state when the user clicks a button:

methods: {
    activate: function(x) {
      storelang.dispatch('LANG', x)
      storelang.dispatch('ACTIVE', x)

The full working code here .

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