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Javascript AJAX XMLHttpRequest

Im using Javascript to read on a server response and i want to filter the information given by the server so i can style it on my page. The following api call is presented:


And retrieves this information:

{"Title":"Pulp Fiction","Year":"1994","Rated":"R","Released":"14 Oct 1994",
 "Runtime":"154 min","Genre":"Crime, Drama","Director":"Quentin Tarantino",
"Writer":"Quentin Tarantino (story), Roger Avary (story), Quentin Tarantino",
"Actors":"Tim Roth, Laura Lovelace, John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson",...}

I need to filter the information from that response to only show the Title and the Runtime information

<p id="Title">Movie title!</p>
<p id="Runtime">Movie runtime!</p>

The call to the api is:

xhttp.open("GET", "http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=pulp+fiction&y=&plot=short&r=json"+str, true);

I have read lots of things but cant get it to work as i want to, ill apreciate some help! Thanks

Short answer:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
    // Step 1 below
    var fullMovie = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
    // Step 2 below
    var movie = { title: fullMovie.Title, runtime: fullMovie.Runtime };
    // Step 3 below
    document.getElementById('Title').innerText = movie.title;
    document.getElementById('Runtime').innerText = movie.runtime;
xhr.open('GET', 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=pulp+fiction&y=&plot=short&r=json', true);

Running sample: https://jsfiddle.net/mgjyv3q6/1/

Now, "long answer", basically you have to:

  1. Parse the response or responseText as JSON.
  2. Create a new object with the desired fields.
  3. Render retrieved information in UI.

Also you should consider start using jQuery or any other library to help you with DOM manipulation and AJAX requests.

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