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Weird Xcode autocomplete

I've updated my Xcode yesterday to version 7.3 and since then I got a really strange autocomplete (marked text, case sensitive etc.):


Is it something of the new version? Can I turn it off and use the classic autocomplete of Xcode?

Thank you!

Yes, it is a new autocomplete in the new Xcode version. It uses fuzzy matching to provide suggestions. I haven't found a way to turn it off, but give it a shot. The old autocomplete is absolutely dreadful. I used to install a Fuzzy Autocomplete plugin to make it work properly.

In the old days (in case of Objective-C, for instance, but it's the same with Swift), if you wanted to implement

- tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:

you typed -tableView , saw all the methods starting with tableView: , then you added a colon, and the autocomplete died. Now you can just enter something like -tv:hfrowatinp , and you instantly get your method.

It will take a bit of time getting used to, but it's worth it, trust me.

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