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ASP.NET MVC: Override authorization filter roles for single action

I have an Authorization Filter that annotates a controller class like so:

[Authenticated(Roles = "read_mail", "contact_user")]
public class MailController : Controller { ... }

However there is one action where the user needs to only one permission:

[Authenticated(Roles = "read_mail")]
public ActionResult Inbox() { ... }

As it's currently set up, only the filter that annotates the class is acknowledged and does the appropriate redirect. Is there a way to override it just for specific action or should I remove the filter from the controller and define it for every action instead?

You can influence the order in which filters are applied as described here . For your use case adding Order to your attributes probably does the trick:

[Authenticated(Roles = "read_mail", "contact_user", Order = 1)]
public class MailController : Controller { ... }

[Authenticated(Roles = "read_mail", Order = 0)]
public ActionResult Inbox() { ... }

The filter with the lowest Order will run first.


I just found out the Order won't do much good. Both filters still get executed (only in reversed order). To override the filter at controller level: Have a look at this answer .

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