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Select in Include Repository Pattern Returning null

I have a database Model that looks like this:

  1. Complaints (T1)
  2. MonitoringComplaints(T2)
  3. Monitoring Notes (T3)

My Class for each looks as below:

class Complaints{

    public virtual ICollection<MONITORING> MONITORINGs { get; set; }

class Monitoring{

    public virtual ICollection<MonitoringNotes> MONITORINGNotes { get; set; }

class MonitoringNotes{



I get all my data when I run the repository to get all as bellow

    public IEnumerable<Complaints> GetAll()

            return _context.Complaints

                .Include(t => t.MONITORINGs)
                .OrderBy(t => t.FileNum)
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogError("Could not get complaint with checklist", ex);
            return null;

but when I add the notes to the monitoring with the select, it returns Null:

public IEnumerable<Complaints> GetAll()

            return _context.Complaints

                .Include(t => t.MONITORINGs.Select(t3=>t3.MONITORINGNotes )
                .OrderBy(t => t.FileNum)
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogError("Could not get complaint with checklist", ex);
            return null;

Also when I type in select, I get the Intellisense for the notes, so I don't think its my entities. Can someone point me into the right direction if I am using the select statement correctly? I used this solution on many of the questions asked about including the level 3 relationships, like this one: Entity Framework - Include Multiple Levels of Properties .

Using then include solved my problem.

public IEnumerable<Complaints> GetAll()

        return _context.Complaints

            .Include(t => t.MONITORINGs)
                    .ThenInclude(t3=>t3.MONITORINGNotes )
            .OrderBy(t => t.FileNum)
    catch (Exception ex)
        _logger.LogError("Could not get complaint with checklist", ex);
        return null;

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