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Change email view path for password reset on Laravel

Using Laravel 5, I need 2 different views for password reset email. The default path to the email view is emails.password . But upon some conditions, I want to send emails.password_alternative .

How can I do this? (with PasswordBroker from Laravel)

This is my current code:

public function __construct(Guard $auth, PasswordBroker $passwords)
    $this->auth = $auth;
    $this->passwords = $passwords;

public function sendReset(PasswordResetRequest $request)
    //HERE : If something, use another email view instead of the default one from the config file
    $response = $this->passwords->sendResetLink($request->only('email'), function($m)

For anyone interested in Laravel 5.2 you can set a custom html and text email view for password reset by adding

config(['auth.passwords.users.email' => ['auth.emails.password.html', 'auth.emails.password.text']]);

to the PasswordController.php in the constructor before the middleware call.

This overrides the app/config/auth.php setup for the PasswordBroker.

Blade Template for the password reset email is then located at:

yourprojectname/resources/views/auth/emails/password/html.blade.php yourprojectname/resources/views/auth/emails/password/text.blade.php

Took me long enough.

Credits: http://ericlbarnes.com/2015/10/14/how-to-send-both-html-and-plain-text-password-reset-emails-in-laravel-5-1/ http://academe.co.uk/2014/01/laravel-multipart-registration-and-reminder-emails/

Using PasswordBroker and based on the Illuminate/Auth/Passwords/PasswordBroker.php class, the $emailView is a protected variable, so you can't change the value once the class is instantiated.

However, you have a couple of solutions:

  1. You can create your own class that extends PasswordBroker and use that.

     class MyPasswordBroker extends PasswordBroker { public function setEmailView($view) { $this->emailView = $view; } } // (...) public function __construct(Guard $auth, MyPasswordBroker $passwords) { $this->auth = $auth; $this->passwords = $passwords; } public function sendReset(PasswordResetRequest $request) { if ($someConditionHere) { $this->passwords->setEmailView('emails.password_alternative'); } $response = $this->passwords->sendResetLink($request->only('email'), function($m) { $m->subject($this->getEmailSubject()); }); } 
  2. You could create the PasswordBroker within your method, without using Dependency Injection.

     public function sendReset(PasswordResetRequest $request) { $emailView = 'emails.password'; if ($someConditionHere) { $emailView = 'emails.password_alternative'; } $passwords = new PasswordBroker( App::make('TokenRepositoryInterface'), App::make('UserProvider'), App::make('MailerContract'), $emailView ); $response = $passwords->sendResetLink($request->only('email'), function($m) { $m->subject($this->getEmailSubject()); }); } 

    This is an uglier solution and if you have automated tests this will be a pain to work with.

Disclaimer : I've not tested any of this code.

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