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npm does not work with msbuild

I am new to gulp and I am facing problem in integrating it with msbuild. I am trying to run tasks using gulp(eg: minifying files) and even though it works perfectly when I build my project,it fails to run on msbuild. Here is the code for gulpfile.js :

var gulp=require("gulp"),
var uglifycss = require('gulp-uglifycss');
    .pipe(gulp.dest(function(file){return file.base}));

gulp.task('css', function () {
    .pipe(gulp.dest(function(file){return file.base}));
gulp.task('default', function(){

this is called by a powershell script file compileClient.ps1:

npm install -g gulp
npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-util
npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify gulp-concat
npm install --save gulp-uglifycss
npm install --save-dev gulp-debug
npm install -g rimraf
cmd /c $env:APPDATA\npm\rimraf ./node_modules

when I run this command on cmd,

"%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -file "$(ProjectDir)compileClient.ps1"

It works fine and minifies the target files. I then tried putting this command in the post build event of my project and when I run it locally on visual studio it works fine too.

however when this project is built by msbuild, the same post-build event does not work,it gives the following message shown in the image below: npm : the term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet..

I checked the PATH variable set by node and it is correct. Also when I do node -v on my cmd I could see the version of node installed, but when I do it on the msbuild command line it fails to identify node.

I used this blog as a reference https://www.niclassahlin.com/2015/04/10/running-gulp-during-tfs-build/

I would appreciate any help/advice on this matter, thanks.


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