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Nginx Rewrite - Last Ignored?

In Apache, this logic works fine - and according to documentation, with Nginx too.

location = /login/ {    rewrite ^(.*)$ /login.php last; }
rewrite ^/([^/]*)/$ /page.php?c=$1 last;

Ideally, domain.com/login/ would direct to login.php

Anything else would direct to page.php, and pass along the details. However, instead - all requests are directed to page.php

Is something missing? :)

I guess, you have wrong assumption that order of directives matters, but actually it does not. Nginx has strict order of directives execution and “server-level” rewrite works before it tries to match location .

You should avoid “server-level” rewrite s. In this case I would write:

location / {
    rewrite ^/([^/]*)/$ /page.php?c=$1;

location = /login/ {
    rewrite ^ /login.php;

# I guess you have something like this too
location ~ \.php$ {

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