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Web Components, add Shadow DOM Event?

I have three pages. First one is the index page, second page is the component for index. Third it the component for the second page.

The Main Code is below: Main.html:

<link class="abc" rel="import" tag="linkHtml" href="child.html />
<say-hi name="aaaa"></say-hi>
<span>(I'm in the light span dom)</span>
<div>(I'm in the light div dom)</div>


<template id="t1">
<my-search value="Search"></my-search>
<content select="div"></content>


<template id="t2">
Search:<input type="text" id="txt1" />
<input type="button" id="btn1" value="Search" />
<template id="t2">

var importDoc_sub = document.currentScript.ownerDocument;

var proto3 = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);

proto3.createdCallback = function(){

    var template = importDoc_sub.querySelector("#t2");

    var clone = document.importNode(template.content,true);

    var root = this.createShadowRoot();


//it can not register click event for btn1 button

//how to add event for the btn1

The question is how to add Event for btn1 in Shadow DOM.

You can query the element by ShadowRoot.querySelector. Thus, the answer should be:

root.querySelector('#btn1').addEventListener("click", ....);

Note: I received the direct email about this question from the poster because the poster found my name on the Shadow DOM spec. Thus, I am answering here.

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