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SWIFT - NSTimer, pass the user info

Im trying to pass the UIView() though the NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval()

here is a code:

 _ = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval((Getsome("Adur") as! Double * 3.0), target: self, selector: "StartAnim", userInfo: ["vie" : bgview as UIView], repeats: true)

func StartAnim(timer: NSTimer)
    let userInfo = timer.userInfo as! Dictionary<String, UIView>

The NSTimer action is happening in another internal function

the GR(vie: UIVIew) is privat func

all those functions are in seperate UIVIewController extention file.

And the error im getting:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[App.VC StartAnim]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

If StartAdmin takes a parameter, it should be called like:


Additionally, if you're using Swift 2.2, you should use the new #selector method:


If the function is private, you will need to add


Before it's declaration as well, example

@objc private func someFunc(parameter: AnyObject) { }

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