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Cannot connect to MySQL Database with Cron job

I'm trying to make a cron job to delete any users that have deactivated their accounts a year ago, the script works on the website but when doing it through a cron job, I get a fatal error.

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: pdo in /homepages/9/d526231279/htdocs/cupidmemories/cronjobs/users.cron.php on line 2

Here is my users.cron.php file:

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=dbhost.com:port; dbname=dbname;', 'user', 'pass');

$query = "DELETE FROM users WHERE account_deleted='4'";

Most Apache/PHP installations have 2 seperate php.ini files.

I would say that the one used by Apache/PHP is fine, but the other one does not have the PDO extension activated.

Do a

>php --ini 

from the command line and you will see line which tells you where PHP CLI got its php.ini file from. Edit that so that the


is activated

The Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class error message was shown by good old PHP/4 . The PDO class requires PHP/5.1.0 or greater. You simply cannot use such an outdated interpreter to run anything that resembles modern code.

Hopefully, your hosting provider might have a newer interpreter available if you provide the appropriate full path, so you could replace this:

*/10 * * * * php /homepages/9/d526231279/htdocs/cupidmemories/cronjobs/users.cron.php

... with eg this:

*/10 * * * * /opt/php5.6/bin/php /homepages/9/d526231279/htdocs/cupidmemories/cronjobs/users.cron.php

(These are fake paths, don't just copy them expecting to work.)

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