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get-aduser -ldapfilter this or that

I'm trying to make a function so that I can more quickly lookup somebody's phone number or reverse lookup an extension.

So far I have this saved as a ps1 file:

Get-ADUser -properties * -LDAPFilter "(samaccountname*$find*)" | ft samaccountname,Name,telephone number
Get-ADUser -properties * -LDAPFilter "(telephonenumber=555 555-*$find*)" | ft samaccountname,Name,telephonenumber

The code works, but obviously I get red error code for either the first or second condition every time. I've tried (|(This)(That)) , I've tried -erroraction silentlycontinue , I've tried -LDAPFilter (This) -OR (That) .

What I'm ultimately after is a function I can add to my profile, so that I can type either:

lookup ABC
lookup 2948

and it will do a forward lookup or a reverse lookup. It can be a loose search and return a few too many results if necessary.

(|(firstClause)(secondClause)) is the correct syntax for OR filters in LDAP - that's not your problem.

Both filter clauses contain syntactical errors.
The first one should be (notice the = ):


The second one is invalid because only leading or trailing * is permitted. You could do:


and then use Where-Object to narrow the results to numbers with the proper prefix:

Get-ADUser -Properties telephonenumber -LDAPFilter "(|(samaccountname*$find*)(telephonenumber=*$find*))" |Where-Object { $_.telephoneNumber -like "555 555-*"}

Be aware that leading * are horribly slow due to the way these values are looked up internally in Active Directory.

I would probably specify two parameters and two separate parameter sets. Example:

# Get-User.ps1
    [String] $SamAccountName,
    [String] $TelephoneNumber

$params = @{
  "Properties" = "*"
  "LDAPFilter" = ""
switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
  "SamAccountName" {
    $params.LDAPFilter = "(sAMAccountName=$SamAccountName)"
  "TelephoneNumber" {
    $params.LDAPFilter = "(telephoneNumber=$TelephoneNumber)"
Get-ADUser @params

With this you could write:

Get-User thisusername


Get-User -TelephoneNumber thisphonenumber

I would caution against using -Properties "*" as this will be quite slow. Better to specify the list of attributes you want to see.

Re-read your question and edited. This will work for you, you can add your formatting and returned properties as you see fit.

function lookup {
param (

    if ($search -match '[a-z][A-Z]'){
        return (Get-ADUser $search -Properties TelephoneNumber).TelePhoneNumber

    if ($search -match '[0-9]'){
        return Get-ADUser -Properties TelephoneNumber -Filter "TelephoneNumber -like '*$search*'"


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