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Rails 4 current_user (gem devise) acess into model

I would like add condition in my model (ForumsTopic) and i need the current user value.

Here's my ForumsTopic.rb :

class ForumsTopic < ActiveRecord::Base
 belongs_to :forum
 belongs_to :user
 has_one :topic_track, ->(user){where(user_id: current_user.id)}, :class_name=> 'ForumsTrack'
 has_many :forums_messages

on the line with "has_one :topic_track[...] i have one condition with user_id = current_user.id.

But, how i can make that ?

I'd use a scope for that in the ForumsTrack model.

class ForumsTopic < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :topic_track, :class_name=> 'ForumsTrack'

class ForumsTrack < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :for_user, -> (user) { where(user: user) }

I would then pass the current_user from a place it is available (controller, service_model, etc).

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