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How to efficiently convert a data frame to a list of lists of arbitrary length?

I am trying to reshape a data frame for more efficient storage and retrieval. Each row contains a "parent" (key) value, which is not unique between rows, and a child value (actually, a set of 3 attributes -- 1 character and 2 numeric). I want to transform this data frame into a list that has just one top-level entry for each unique parent key, and a number of sub-lists as determined by the number of children associate with the parent. Here are some sample data:

pcm <- data.frame(parent = c("middle", "middle", "might", "might", 
                     "might", "million", "million", "millions"),
              child = c("of", "school", "be", "have", "not", "in", 
                     "to", "of"),
              count = c(476, 165, 1183, 619, 321, 490, 190, 269))

The output for this should be a list with 4 top-level elements (named "middle", "might", "million", "millions" ), and varying numbers of sub-lists with named members $child and $count (eg lookup4[["middle"]] contains sub-lists $children[[1]]$child = "of" , $count = 476 and $children[[2]]$child = "school" , $count = 165 ).

The code below works, but is extremely slow (several hours on a 300,000-row data frame using 8 GB RAM). I have imposed a limit of 6 on the number of children in the output data, but it doesn't seem to have made a big difference.

lookup4 <- list()
parents <- unique(pcm$parent)
n.parents <- length(parents)
for (i in 1:n.parents) {
    words <- pcm$child[pcm$parent == parents[i]]
    counts <- pcm$count[pcm$parent == parents[i]]
    probs <- pcm$prob[pcm$parent == parents[i]]
    n.children <- min(c(NROW(words), 6)
    ngram.tail <- list()
    for (k in 1:n.children) {
        ngram.tail[[k]] <- list(word = words[k], 
        count = counts[k], 
        prob = probs[k])
    lookup4[[parents[i]]] <- list(children = ngram.tail)

Could I speed it up by eliminating the 'for' loop? If so, how would I code the transformation?

Try this:

I suppose that the dataframe is called parents :

parents.list <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(parents)))

If you want the row names of parents to be the names of the list:

parents.list <- setNames(split(parents, seq(nrow(parents))), rownames(parents))

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