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Angular2 cannot get mock data from Service

UPDATE: sorry i copied the wrong version of my code: i did call then inside the service as shown now.

I'm creating a Service that provides mock data (following a similar structure as here ) but cannot get data for some reason.

snippet from AppComponent

export class AppComponent implements OnInit{

  constructor(private _dataService: DataService){ }

      console.log('get data called');
      var data = this._dataService.getData();
      console.log('data type is '+typeof(data));
      console.log('data key is ');
      for(var k in data){

DataService is as follows:

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {MOCK_DATA} from './mock-data';

export class DataService{
    return Promise.resolve(MOCK_DATA).then(data => data);

mock data is:

export var MOCK_DATA = {
  "apple": [
    {"taste": "apple", "really": false},
    {"taste": "random", "really": true},
  "orange": [
    {"taste": "orange", "really": false},
    {"taste": "random", "really": true},

however the console.log results are:

get data called
app.component.ts:46 data type object
app.component.ts:47 data key 
app.component.ts:49 __zone_symbol__state
app.component.ts:49 __zone_symbol__value
app.component.ts:49 then
app.component.ts:49 catch

You need to call the then method on the returned promise by the getData method to be able to receive the data:

getData() {
  console.log('get data called');
  this._dataService.getData().then(data => {
    // Handle the data

    // For example
    console.log('data type is '+typeof(data));
    console.log('data key is ');
    for(var k in data){

The then method must be used within the component and not in the service.

Your service should be:

export class RBACService{
    return Promise.resolve(MOCK_DATA);

instead of

export class RBACService{
    return Promise.resolve(MOCK_DATA).then(data => data);

I think you are missing some important part of your code in the decorator for the AppComponent , something like this:

import { Component, OnInit } from 'angular2/core';
import { RBACService } from './(serviceName).service';

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: `whatever...`,
    providers: [RBACService]
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

Where (serviceName) should be the file name of your inyectable service and whatch out cause you inyected it at the constructor as DataService and it's actually called RBACService ...

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