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Excel Linear Interpolation VBA

this function interpolates\/extrapolates a table of known x,y For example,

x y
1 10
2 15
3 20

one very simple way is having the function accepting two ranges in input, one for X values (say rX) and one for Y ones (say rY), and then changing every occurrence of r(foo,1) to rX(foo) and r(foo,2) to rY(foo)

like follows

Option Explicit

Function Linterp2(rX As Range, rY As Range, x As Double) As Double
     ' linear interpolator / extrapolator
     ' R is a two-column range containing known x, known y
    Dim lR As Long, l1 As Long, l2 As Long
    Dim nR As Long
     'If x = 1.5 Then Stop

    nR = rX.Rows.Count
    If nR < 2 Then Exit Function

    If x < rX(1) Then ' x < xmin, extrapolate
        l1 = 1: l2 = 2: GoTo Interp

    ElseIf x > rX(nR) Then ' x > xmax, extrapolate
        l1 = nR - 1: l2 = nR: GoTo Interp

         ' a binary search would be better here
        For lR = 1 To nR
            If rX(lR) = x Then ' x is exact from table
                Linterp2 = rY(lR)
                Exit Function

            ElseIf rX(lR) > x Then ' x is between tabulated values, interpolate
                l1 = lR: l2 = lR - 1: GoTo Interp

            End If
    End If

    Linterp2 = rY(l1) _
    + (rY(l2) - rY(l1)) _
    * (x - rX(l1)) _
    / (rX(l2) - rX(l1))

End Function

but you must implement code to check for consistency of the two ranges, like being both of one column each and with the same number of rows

use this function :

Public Function lineare_iterpolation(x As Variant, x1 As Variant, x2 As Variant, y1 As Variant, y2 As Variant) As Variant
    If x = x1 Then
        lineare_iterpolation = y1
        Exit Function
    End If
    If x = x2 Then
        lineare_iterpolation = y2
        Exit Function
    End If
    lineare_iterpolation = y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
    Exit Function
End Function

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