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Symfony doesn't validate on iphone

I have set an entity with this code

 * @Assert\Length(
 *      min = 20,
 *      max = 2000,
 *      minMessage = "message.min_length",
 *      maxMessage = "message.max_length"
 * )
protected $message;

When I'm using a desktop navigator it refuses to send when the message is less than 20, but when on iphone or tablet (android) the message is sent, even empty. The field is a textarea. Any ideas ?


According to the symfony documentation, assert length assumes NULL & empty strings as valid, hence why it passes ( http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/constraints/Length.html#min ).

Please add Assert\\NotBlank() and this will validate the empty strings


What the symfony form builder will do is add the form validation options to the form elements, for example:

<input name="my_field" required>

A desktop browser will validate that this form element is required (client side) & if empty, prevent the form being submitted. On mobile devices, they do not validate the forms automatically (I'm still to find a reason for this..?), so you will need to add some javascript form validation to prevent the form from submitted if it's invalid on mobile/tablet devices.

Please make sure that your form is mapped to the entity class correctly:

// AppBundle/Form/EntityForm.php


namespace AppBundle\Form;

class EntityForm extends AbstractType
    // ...

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
            'data_class' => 'AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity',

To ensure symfony validates annotations, please add this to your app/config/config.yml

# app/config/config.yml
    validation: { enable_annotations: true }

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