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Can NSAttributedString which contains NSTextAttachment be stored(or restored)?

I am writing a Text Editor, with which users can input text with styles and insert images, so I am using NSAttributedString to manage the contents. My question is how can I store the contents before Text Editor was closed, and restore the contents after editor opened next time?

I wrote a category of NSAttributedString, right now I can store(and restore) text but not UIImageView in NSTextAttachment, below is part of my code:

-(NSData*)customEncode {
__block NSMutableArray* archivableAttributes=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];

[self enumerateAttributesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self length]) options:0 usingBlock:^(NSDictionary *attrs, NSRange range, BOOL *stop) {
    NSLog(@"range: %d %d",range.location, range.length);
    NSLog(@"dict: %@",attrs);
    NSLog(@"keys: %@", [attrs allKeys]);
    NSLog(@"values: %@", [attrs allValues]);

    NSMutableDictionary* tDict=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];

    [tDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:range.location] forKey:@"location"];
    [tDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:range.length] forKey:@"length"];

    for (NSString* tKey in [attrs allKeys]) {
        if ([tKey isEqualToString:@"CTUnderlineColor"]) {
            [tDict setObject:[NSAttributedString arrayFromCGColorComponents:((CGColorRef)[attrs objectForKey:@"CTUnderlineColor"])] forKey:@"CTUnderlineColor"];
        if ([tKey isEqualToString:@"NSUnderline"]) {
            NSNumber* underline=[attrs objectForKey:@"NSUnderline"];
            [tDict setObject:underline forKey:@"NSUnderline"];
        if ([tKey isEqualToString:@"CTForegroundColor"]) {
            [tDict setObject:[NSAttributedString arrayFromCGColorComponents:((CGColorRef)[attrs objectForKey:@"CTForegroundColor"])] forKey:@"CTForegroundColor"];
        if ([tKey isEqualToString:@"NSFont"]) {
            CTFontRef font=((__bridge CTFontRef)[attrs objectForKey:@"NSFont"]);

            NSDictionary* fontDict=[NSDictionary
                                    [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(NSString*)CFBridgingRelease(CTFontCopyPostScriptName(font)),[NSNumber numberWithFloat:CTFontGetSize(font)], nil]
                                    [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"fontName", @"fontSize", nil]];

            [tDict setObject:fontDict forKey:@"NSFont"];

    [archivableAttributes addObject:tDict];

NSMutableDictionary* archiveNSMString=[NSMutableDictionary
                                       dictionaryWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[self string],archivableAttributes,nil]
                                       forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"string",@"attributes",nil]];

NSLog(@"archivableAttributes array: %@",archiveNSMString);

NSData* tData=[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:archiveNSMString];

NSLog(@"tdata: %@",tData);

return tData;


I had spent quite some time investigating and experimenting, and searches showed several people who had the same question, but no satisfactory answers.

最后,我使用了一个名为YYTextArchiver的 NSKeyedArchiver 子类来直接序列化 NSAttributedString,它对我有用。

You can store NSTextAttachment images by :-

var imageArray : [UIImage]

//MARKS:-  Extract attachedImage
    func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView)  {
        imageArray = [UIImage]()
        let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: textView.attributedText.length)
        if (textView.textStorage.containsAttachments(in: range)) {
            let attrString = textView.attributedText
            var location = 0
            while location < range.length {
                var r = NSRange()
                let attrDictionary = attrString?.attributes(at: location, effectiveRange: &r)
                if attrDictionary != nil {
                    let attachment = attrDictionary![NSAttachmentAttributeName] as? NSTextAttachment
                    if attachment != nil {
                        if attachment!.image != nil {
                          //store the image Attached to it.
                          imageArray.append( attachment!.image!)
                    location += r.length


Concat all the above image Attached to it :-

let axtractedImageAttribute = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for image in imageArray {
            let attachment:NSTextAttachment = NSTextAttachment()
            attachment.image = image
            attachment.setImageHeight(height: 20)
            let attachmentString:NSAttributedString = NSAttributedString(attachment: attachment)



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