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Haskell: list of strings to list of tuples

I have list of strings like:


and I would like to get list of tuples like:


Please help. Thanks


I tried something like:

tuples (x:xs) = do
  foo ++ splitOn "," x
  tuples xs
  return foo

which would maybe give me list like:


but I dont know how to trasnform it to tuples.

AA,BB,CC should be strings.

Also I would like to if in the list will be something like:


transform to

import Data.List.Split -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/split

arrayToThreeTuple :: [String] -> [(Int,String,Int)]
arrayToThreeTuple = map (toThreeTuple.splitOn ",")
      toThreeTuple :: [String] -> (Int, String, Int)
      toThreeTuple [a, b, c] = (read a :: Int, b, read c)
      toThreeTuple _ = undefined

A bit of explanation: splitOn splits a String on a given substring, eg

GHCI List.Split> splitOn "," "1,AA,3"

Next read transforms a String into a different type, which can either be written read "1" :: Int or ghc can infer it by the type signature for you (see read c ).

The next line is a "catch all line" that caches all other patterns than [a,b,c] , indicated by _ and results in a runtime error ( undefined ).

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