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$tooltipProvider error at angular 1.4.7+

I am trying to upgrade my angular version from 1.3.15 to 1.4.7+. All my bower components got downloaded and gulp run successfully. When I load my page, I got the $tooltipProvider error in console. 如何清除这一点

Any help regarding this is appreciated.

One of components in the module "itranscript" needs a service named $tooltip (or on its provider $tooltipProvider ), and the module defining that service is not available.

$tooltip is not a standard angular service. It probably is a service from an old version of angular ui bootstrap. And you probably forgot to depend on ui-bootstrap, or you depend on a newer version that no longer has this service, now renamed to $uibTooltip .

I don't see how you could get that error by just upgrading the angular version. You probably upgraded other libraries too.

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